Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

geht selbst durch Rückschläge, die es gibt,

English translation:

Even when things get tough, I won't forget what I've learned

Added to glossary by Maria San Martin
Jul 1, 2005 08:07
19 yrs ago
German term

geht selbst durch Rückschläge, die es gibt,

German to English Social Sciences Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. life long learning
Umgangsprache. How would you put this expression into English??

"Das, was ich heute im Kopf hab, geht selbst durch Rückschläge, die es gibt, nicht mehr ganz verloren."

Thanks a lott


Marcus Malabad Jul 1, 2005:
Maria et al, I ungraded and deleted the glossary entry. Maria, in the future, please wait 24 hours before grading, include ALL THE CONTEXT you have within the question so as to avoid this jumble in the note box. Thanks everybody for your efforts, Marcus
Victor Dewsbery Jul 1, 2005:
Maria, you can ask a moderator to help you delete the glossary entry and cancel the points you awarded to me - and give them to LittleBalu (who gave the literal answer first) or Hilary (who improved on the style). I agree to relinquish the points.
Hilary Davies Shelby Jul 1, 2005:
I put an answer because its getting a bit jumbled up here in the Notes box, but i think the points should be re-assigned to LittleBalu, or the question reopened to allow everyone a chance to use the new context you provided. Jul 1, 2005:
Yes, that�s right, too, If i could change the glossary now I�d do it, however, the person who�ll look up this word will check our comments, too. And that�s the way to judge the most suitable answer for his/her context.
Victor Dewsbery Jul 1, 2005:
One other point: I'm a bit worried about the glossary entry. Even if my original proposal were appropriate in the context, the glossary entry would not really mean anything. Some questions are not suitable for the glossary (and this is one).
Victor Dewsbery Jul 1, 2005:
Perhaps "I've learned something today, and I'm not going to lose it even if things go wrong again". (And take time to draw a deep breath before grading questions - and to give plenty of context before people offer answers.) Jul 1, 2005:
oh, yeah, that�s true, how would you put it then? Thanks
Hilary Davies Shelby Jul 1, 2005:
Given the note that you put on the question when you graded it, i think you've picked the wrong answer. The girl is saying that she has learning something which will stand her in good stead in times of trouble - she's not saying she doesnt care about fact
Victor Dewsbery Jul 1, 2005:
I'm flattered, of course, but still not sure that we have found the right answer for your context (which we still know very little about, even after the grading of the question). Jul 1, 2005:
LittleBalu thanks for your proposal, i chose Victor�s answer also because it�s more succint. Thanks!
Ulrike Kraemer Jul 1, 2005:
Don't the rules say that askers should wait 24 hours before grading? I'm not chasing points, but it would be nice to give people a chance, don't you think?
Victor Dewsbery Jul 1, 2005:
OK, so we'll see how that fares in the points chase. For the record, though, "part of an interview" is not much in the way of context. Can you tell us more? Jul 1, 2005:
no, it is a part of an interview, no joke! :-) that�s a good interpretation! Thanks
Victor Dewsbery Jul 1, 2005:
Is this serious (from a job and with context) or a joke along the lines of "My opinions are so strong that I will not be impressed by mere facts"?

Proposed translations

1 hr
German term (edited): geht selbst durch R�ckschl�ge, die es gibt,

Even when things get tough, I won't forget what I've learned

or words to that effect.

"What I've learned will help me through the tough times".

I'd ask to get the question re-opened so that others can make suggestions or so that Victor and LittleBalu can refine their answers if they want to based on your new context.
Peer comment(s):

agree Victor Dewsbery : Yes, better for the context which we now know about.
14 mins
thanks Victor! ;-)
agree Ian M-H (X) : a late agree... [a whole hour after your answer, but it's long been closed... ;-( ]
1 hr
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
22 mins
German term (edited): geht selbst durch R�ckschl�ge, die es gibt,


What's in my head today will not be entirely lost again, even in case of setbacks occurring.

"geht nicht mehr ganz verloren" gehört zusammen

Note added at 32 mins (2005-07-01 08:39:31 GMT)

This is a more or less literal translation (all I can do without any additional context) but it gets the meaning across (I hope).

Note added at 36 mins (2005-07-01 08:43:40 GMT) Post-grading

I think the person interviewed is trying to say that what he (or she) knows (or has experienced) to date will not be lost again, even if setback may occur.
Peer comment(s):

agree Hilary Davies Shelby : i think this is right, LittleBalu, look at the asker's grading comment
48 mins
Thanks a lot, Hilary :-)
agree Victor Dewsbery : The literal answer is best (although Hilary improved a bit on the style).
1 hr
Thanks a lot, Victor. It was somewhat difficult to be "stylish" ;-) without any context. I was just trying to get the meaning across because it looked as though Maria hadn't understood that "geht" and "verloren" belonged together.
agree Kieran McCann : I think 'setbacks' is right given the additional context of 'disadvantaged'
2 hrs
Thanks, Kieran
Something went wrong...
17 mins
German term (edited): geht selbst durch R�ckschl�ge, die es gibt,

... will not be impressed by mere facts

OK, then, I'll make it an answer and pitch for points!

My opinions are so strong that I will not be impressed by mere facts

Note added at 52 mins (2005-07-01 08:59:17 GMT) Post-grading

Thanks for the points and the complements, Maria.
I\'m still not sure whether it fits in the context (or what we know of the context).
My proposal is a form of obstinacy (That\'s my opinion and I\'m sticking to it, right or wrong.)
The new context you offer (\"disadvantaged\", \"has learned to face new problems\") may need a different solution - perhaps she has attained a certain level of self-confidence and is determined not to lose it even if things go wrong, or something like that.
But more context is needed to be sure.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Hilary Davies Shelby : Sorry Victor, i had to put a neutral so Maria sees it - I think your post-grading note is correct , shame you only got the context post-grading!
54 mins
neutral Kieran McCann : I am deeply moved by the nobility of your gesture in agreeing to relinquish the points,, is it just me, or does anyone else spend a lot of time answering questions which have already been graded?
2 hrs
Thanks for the tears on my behalf :--))). Actually, I only rarely comment on (or even look at) questions that have been graded, but here I got drawn in because I was at the centre of things from the outset.
Something went wrong...
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