The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Architecture Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
A viagem de D. Pedro II the journey of Dom Pedro II - I wouldn't use the possessive
chassi elevado (do chão) rewrite - with large wheels which kept the chassis well clear of the ground
cobogós latticework
curva de nível de metro em metro one meter interval contour(s)
Mapa de Cheios e Vazios Map of occupied and empty areas/spaces/regions
padrão standards
Entered by: Martin Riordan
perfuração da matriz florestal expansion of the drilling in the forest matrix
setorização (land) zoning / land-use zoning
soleiras negativas low/sunken thresholds
"Pele de Vidro" glass cladding
"prancha de desenho" drawing board
"tombado pelo patrimônio histórico" was registered OR listed (as a historic site) by OR at the National Heritage Council/Department
"uma moldura cénica que enquadra a vista" a scenic composition that frames the landscape
...ambientes de uso público common areas
a partir de um edificio como um todo starting from the building as a whole
abóbada de barrete cloister vault
abóbada de berço barrel-vault
abóbada de meia-cana half-round dome
Entered by: Tania Pires
acabamentos de encontro joint finishings
acanto no capitel capital with acanthus leaves
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
acervo cultural da cidade city's cultural estate
acompanhar / em contactos - in this sentence assist / in contacts
adoçada/adossada à fachada adjacent to the.....
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
afelandras aphelandras
agilizando os seus recursos streamlining your resources
aglomerantes bonding materials
Aglomerantes/ Cal binders / lime
agrupamento dos ambientes por utilização grouping spaces by their utilization....
agrupar to merge
alçado principal front elevation
alternância de solicitações load [bearing] requirements
alvenaria portante load-bearing masonry
ambiência surroundings
ambientação spaces/settings
ambientes areas
Ambientes com abertura(s) voltada(s) para ambiente externo ou átrio não coberto rooms OR spaces (with windows, or openings) overlooking outdoor areas or an uncovered atrium courtya
ambientes de permanência living premises
Entered by: Mario Freitas
ancoragem anchored bicycle parking racks
ancoragem à base anchoring (fixing) to the structure
andar amansardado mansard (roof) floor, top floor living space, roof floor
Entered by: Todd Field
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