The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English Geography Translation Glossary

English term English translation
A resident/inhabitant of Prague Praguer
Alfaro-Quito-Pichincha See explanation below...
Antillean Antillean
Entered by: Antoinette Verburg
Argentine or Argentinian Both are correct
C.C. California Culver City
Entered by: Alaa Zeineldine
cal years Calibrated years before present (cal years B.P.)
DMV District-Maryland-Virginia; DC-Maryland-Virginia
Great Alf.ld Great Hungarian Plain
Guayanan vs. Guianese Guyanese
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Haw howe (Hawse)
his place in Oval Mansions large Victorian corner block, called \"Oval Mansions\"
Lo Longitude of origin
Mount Wilson a mountain near Pasadena, California with a famous observatory
move would be moved
OD Ordinance Datum
overseas (students/universities) International Students
pan-United States United States, also: across the United States, all over the United States
Panevezys city in Lithuania
people from Atina, Italy Atinates/people from Atina
Rice two kilo we take the rice to Khilgaon
Seatac \ˈsē-ˌtak\
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
SEC Southeastern China
sec. section
simplification coast smoothed coast
southern african southern part of the African continent
Stickle A way over the peak (OR sharp peak)
Torbrae - pronunciation Torbrey
tsunami - plural ? Can be either tsunami or tsunamis
Ukraine or THE Ukraine? Ukraine
Veliky or Velikii? There is no generally accepted standard
Wielkopolska vs. Greater Poland Wielkopolska Region
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