The أنجليزي إلى عربي translators listed below specialize in the field of الدين. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

72 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Alaa Zeineldine
Alaa Zeineldine
Native in عربي Native in عربي, أنجليزي Native in أنجليزي
Technical, automotive, educational, pedagogy, electrical, computer, electronic, IT, software, HTML, ...
Translators GLP
Translators GLP
Native in أندونوسي (Variants: Ngoko, Standard-Indonesia, Javanese) Native in أندونوسي, أنجليزي (Variants: UK, US, Singaporean, Australian) Native in أنجليزي
Machine, Automotive, technology, manufacturing, business, travel, localization, training, marketing, research, ...
Ezz Eldeen Mohammad
Ezz Eldeen Mohammad
Native in عربي (Variants: Standard-Arabian (MSA), Egyptian) , أنجليزي (Variant: British) Native in أنجليزي
English, Arabic, Computers, technology, software, sports, religion, Medicine, Pharmaceutical translation, Medical translation, ...
Nancy Eweiss
Nancy Eweiss
Native in عربي (Variant: Egyptian) Native in عربي
هندسة البترول\العلوم, الفلك والفضاء, الزراعة, النقل \ وسائط النقل \ الشحن, ...
Atiquzzama Khan
Atiquzzama Khan
Native in أردي (Variant: Pakistan) Native in أردي, هندي (Variants: Shuddha, Khariboli, Indian) Native in هندي
Translation, Proofreading/Editing, Localization, DTP, Majestic, Translations,
Juzer Kabuliwala
Juzer Kabuliwala
Native in عربي (Variants: Standard-Arabian (MSA), Egyptian, UAE, Saudi ) Native in عربي, هندي (Variants: Indian, Shuddha) Native in هندي
Arabic, Hindi, Medical, Legal, Voice over
Abdelmonem Samir
Abdelmonem Samir
Native in عربي Native in عربي
Abdelmonem Samir, translation from english into arabic, arabic english translation, english arabic freelance translator, english arabic translation, Freelance English Arabic translator, English to Arabic translation provider, UN translation, UN interpreter, reports, ...
Mowafak Mohamed
Mowafak Mohamed
Native in عربي (Variants: Jordanian, Yemeni, Kuwaiti, Standard-Arabian (MSA), Saudi , Egyptian, UAE) Native in عربي
English, Arabic, legal, court memo, judgment, statement of claim, ruling, contract, agreement, memorandum of association, ...
Shad Stockton
Shad Stockton
Native in أنجليزي Native in أنجليزي
English, Arabic, French, software, juridical, tourism, philosophy & religion
Hasmine Saifi
Hasmine Saifi
Native in أردي Native in أردي
السلامة, الطب العام, الطب: الرعاية الصحية, المعدات الطبية, ...
Mahmoud Radwan
Mahmoud Radwan
Native in عربي Native in عربي
Military, Automotive, Technical, Medical, Watches, Food, Health
Lamis Maalouf
Lamis Maalouf
Native in عربي Native in عربي
Dentistry, interpreter, religion, books, journalism, official documents, conference interpreter, Arabic, English, Texas, ...
Amir Kamel
Amir Kamel
Native in عربي Native in عربي
automotive, mobiles, satellite, home appliance, high quality, reliability, camera, printer, HW, SW, ...
Dr Sherif Mohamed
Dr Sherif Mohamed
Native in عربي (Variants: Standard-Arabian (MSA), Egyptian) Native in عربي
Arabic-translation-medical-writer-editor- proofreader
einass kandil
einass kandil
Native in عربي Native in عربي, أنجليزي Native in أنجليزي
English, Arabic, medicine, law, finance, politics, banking, history, translator, proofreading, ...
Peter Solomon
Peter Solomon
Native in أنجليزي (Variant: British) Native in أنجليزي
Arabic, translation, interpreter, Moroccan dialect, law, government, London, Bedford
Daad Alamawi Kanaan
Daad Alamawi Kanaan
Native in عربي Native in عربي, أنجليزي Native in أنجليزي
legal, business, financial, fast service, Jordan banking, banking, contract, governmental, religious
Mohamed Gaafar
Mohamed Gaafar
Native in عربي (Variant: Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Native in عربي
Arts, Social Science, fine arts, technincal, business, finance, political, commercial, Legal, Law, ...
Rabie El Magdouli
Rabie El Magdouli
Native in بربر (آخر) Native in بربر (آخر), عربي Native in عربي
Traductor Árabe hacia el Español, Traductor Español hacia el Árabe, Traductor Bereber hacia el Español, Traductor Español hacia el Bereber, Traductor Español hacia el Rifeño, Traductor Rifeño hacia el Español, Traductor Francés hacia el Árabe, Traductor Inglés hacia el Árabe, Traducción Árabe, Traducción Bereber, ...
Zena Al-Zinc
Zena Al-Zinc
Native in عربي Native in عربي
وسائل الإعلام \ الوسائط المتعددة, التصنيع, العلوم العسكرية \ الدفاع, الإنترنت، التجارة الإلكترونية, ...

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أنجليزي إلى عربي interpreters specializing in:

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.