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Search results: (536 matches)
Business issues ¡Finally here! WWA rating for translators How To Terminate? I was checking whether there was a nice little
button on my profile page, like "Terminate
membership", but apparently I will have to spend
time on finding out how to leave. Hopefully, it
Dinny Oct 17, 2017
Business issues ¡Finally here! WWA rating for translators Time To Say Goodbye I'm almost retired anyway, and I haven't gained
anything from my ProZ membership for many
years. To be evaluated in this way would make me
feel part of a slave market.
Dinny Oct 17, 2017
Italian PAGAMENTI DELLE FATTURE E SCADENZE É una mancanza di rispetto - e la solita furbizia italiana Sono completamente d'accordo con Luca. Bisogna
evitarle queste agenzie che non sanno stare al
mondo. La norma europea é pagamento entro 30 gg
data fattura, e se le aziende italiane dal
Dinny Jul 7, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: At what age did you become a translator (as your only/main source of income)? 54 Some 10 years ago I decided that I had had it with
working as an employee, and since I had been
moonlighting in translations for the previous 20
years I thought it was worth going for as m
Dinny Sep 12, 2015
Money matters Request to outsourcers and clients who, 'are not offering a fee for this project' New trend? Seeing the job offers at ProZ lately, this might
just be the new trend. Not a big step from
offering something like USD 0.02 per word for
translation into down right asking you to do it
Dinny Jan 28, 2014
Being independent Is marketing - i.e. seeking new contacts within agencies - considered "spamming"? But we DO promote ourselves Hi Lukasz, I guess that as long as we promote
ourselves on a profile, we DO invite just
anybody in this business to contact us, whatever
miserable their offer might be. Maybe w
Dinny Nov 29, 2013
Being independent Is marketing - i.e. seeking new contacts within agencies - considered "spamming"? @Samuel Thanks my friend, this gives me a perfect excuse
for why I really do not want to spend time on
marketing myself! You know, you get those odd
days, maybe even more in a row, where no wor
Dinny Nov 29, 2013
Being independent Is marketing - i.e. seeking new contacts within agencies - considered "spamming"? ??? " some countries it is illegal for you as a
freelancer to write to an agency and offer your
translation services to them unless they invited
you specifically to do so." I have neve
Dinny Nov 29, 2013
Italian Costanti ritardi nei pagamenti Prendere o lasciare... Sono anni che li mando a quel paese, quei clienti
che esigono il mio rispetto per il deadline della
consegna e non se ne fregano niente del deadline
dei pagamenti. Poi, ovviamente, perd
Dinny Nov 28, 2013
Being independent Is marketing - i.e. seeking new contacts within agencies - considered "spamming"? Thanks, Fiona! Hi Fiona, I guess that I more or less follow
your suggestions, I do not contact agencies
indiscriminated, I check their website, see if we
have "common interests" (check their Blue Boar
Dinny Nov 28, 2013
Being independent Is marketing - i.e. seeking new contacts within agencies - considered "spamming"? Hi all, Once in a while I endure some efforts
in marketing myself - maybe the work load is low,
so I have time left over, maybe I just feel that I
simply ought to find new customers onc
Dinny Nov 28, 2013
Italian Stipendio traduttore full time in un'azienda 3000 sarebbe piú che giusto Calcolando la tariffa oraria che prendi come
freelance x 8 x 21 e deduci le tasse -
considerando che lavorerai 8 o piú ore al giorno
in modo frenetico, 3000 netti mi sembrerebbe una
Dinny Oct 22, 2013
Italian Sondaggio sulla professione di traduttore - Si può ancora partecipare Fatto Ho risposto al sondaggio, ma non lo trovo molto
ben fatto. Sono danese, residente in Grecia, ma
traduco - anche - dall´italiano. Il mio
fatturato maggiore peró viene dalle traduzioni
Dinny Sep 19, 2013
Translation Theory and Practice How to standardize manuals for similar products? Not general standards I realize it would be impossible to have general
global standards. What I was thinking of, was
the standards within the same company, i.e. that
certain instructions should always use
Dinny Aug 13, 2013
Translation Theory and Practice Is there a fierce competition between translators? Where is the "Like" button? I truly enjoyed reading all your comments!
:-) Dinny
Dinny Aug 12, 2013
Translation Theory and Practice How to standardize manuals for similar products? Hello everybody, Do any of you know, if such
a thing as training courses for technicians, who
write the manuals for various products, exist? If
not, it could be a gold mine to start u
Dinny Aug 12, 2013
Italian Agenzie estere Mantenersi di buon umore Non mi rovino la giornata. Alle eventuali
proposte che mi arrivano da agenzie indiane non
rispondo nemmeno. Ne ho giá il mio d´affare
con agenzie cinesi. Hanno tanto lavoro da offr
Dinny Mar 15, 2013
Danish Søgeresultater på Proz efter oversætter/tolk Godt at tjekke profilen fra tid til anden Jeg er desværre ikke alt for effektiv i retning
af at tjekke min profil. Men da jeg så
denne tråd, så smuttede jeg lige en tur ind
omkring for at se, hvad der egentlig stod.
Dinny Feb 27, 2013
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Stuck? Can't find the word on the tip of your mind? I rather liked the new version "Tip of your mind" :-) We use that much more
than the tongue, when translating!
Dinny Feb 27, 2013
Italian E se l'agenzia non paga? Per le spese per il decreto ingiuntivo, il debitore rimane il debitore Almeno, cosí mi ha spiegato un avvocato che una
volta mi ha assistito per un decreto ingiuntivo
(effettivamente bastava la sua raccomandata
all´agenzia ed hanno pagato). Non credo che
Dinny Jan 6, 2013
Translation Theory and Practice Would you continue to translate if all that was left was post-editing of machine translation? Would be a bliss I could decide for early retirement and finally
have time to enjoy this wonderful island of Crete,
instead of just sitting in my office looking out
on the sunshine and the olive trees.
Dinny Dec 24, 2012
Office applications How to update an index when the keyboard has no F9 key? Nice link, Rolf Thanks, I am having a closer look at that. I
actually never got into what my new wireless
keyboard could do, as long as it provided what I
normally needed. I was just happy to get rid of<
Dinny Dec 20, 2012
Office applications How to update an index when the keyboard has no F9 key? Thanks, Pawel! That is very reassuring to know that there is
another way around the F-keys. I will go and try
it out right away. Thank you so much for your
help! :-) Dinny
Dinny Dec 20, 2012
Office applications How to update an index when the keyboard has no F9 key? I use a Microsoft wireless keyboard, and I have
just realised that it has no F-keys. Dozen of
other keys I have no use for - but no F9 key,
which I need to update tables of content in W
Dinny Dec 20, 2012's Virtual Conferences Discussion for 2012 Freelance translator virtual conference (2012) As much as time permits... I have enjoyed it whenever this week I have had
a moment during the day. I especially appreciate
the on demand content, because work often comes in
the way when a scheduled presentation
Dinny Sep 27, 2012's Virtual Conferences Discussion for Advanced translator skills virtual event (2012) Deadlines! Hi everybody! I was looking forward to attending
the sessions today, but deadlines came in the
way. Now I finally have time to enter, but the
"sessions" tab is not working, just getting
Dinny Sep 24, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: I watch foreign films with... Some options missing... I often watch foreign movies which have been
dubbed, so even George Clooney speaks Italian
(well, he actually does by now). But you would not
expect John Wayne to be that fluent in Itali
Dinny Sep 8, 2012
Getting established Membership ends: thanks everybody for your help and bye You can always be a free non-paying member... No need to leave and the "maybe"
opportunity to get jobs, or rather to get known
through your profile. Before I jumped into a
full-time freelance translator, I tested the site<
Dinny Sep 3, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Financially, for me, the first half of 2012 was Tough learning It taught me that you don´t get nothing for
nothing. Or, actually, that you get nothing for
nothing. I was lazy, relying on my "usuals",
not doing any marketing to get new contacts,
Dinny Jul 14, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you offer Desktop Publishing (DTP) services? In some way most of us do... When a client impose on you to use Trados, you
are already offering DTP, having to work your way
around all the tags and figure out where it is
best to put them. But you don´t charge ex
Dinny Jul 8, 2012
Money matters What is a reasonable rate for translating subtitles? 20 minutes a day This is what I can normally do. Depending on the
type of video, it takes from 5-8 hours to do 20
minutes runtime. Some tv-series are just fun, and
you can make one of those (generally 21
Dinny Jun 29, 2012
Money matters What should fair translation rates be for professional translators Small things do wonders, sometimes. When I raised my rates some time ago and
communicated this to my clients, some of them went
"uh, we might not be able to send so much work to
you anymore." Well, that is up to them, of c
Dinny Jun 29, 2012
Money matters What is a reasonable rate for translating subtitles? Try Google that I googled "subtitling rates" and you get loads
of hits. Even from our own forums. I haven´t
looked at all of them, but by a quick glance it
looks like subtitling is paid anything fr
Dinny Jun 28, 2012
Translation Project / Vendor Management Agencies, Try Work With Some Realistic Deadlines! The Half Way Solution Well, since I certainly do not want to be a
"smartass" and abuse my poor clients, I opted for
a half way solution: In these days most of my
regulars send out emails requesting availabili
Dinny Jun 27, 2012
Translation Project / Vendor Management Agencies, Try Work With Some Realistic Deadlines! Is that how agencies would react? Rifraf, I noticed that you are an agency
owner. Do you truly believe that all agencies -
when approached with courtesy and reason - would
react like you assume? Not using my services
Dinny Jun 26, 2012
Translation Project / Vendor Management Agencies, Try Work With Some Realistic Deadlines! It is all in the word "sometimes" Rifraf, I am quite flexible, I can assure you.
But all this "flexing" made me eventually post
this item. Because it is not the "sometimes"
anymore, it is a rule that "as an agency, I ask
Dinny Jun 26, 2012
Translation Project / Vendor Management Agencies, Try Work With Some Realistic Deadlines! Thank you all for your input I guess that, unless we can get to
issue yet another button or two saying "This
translator requires double rate for rush jobs" or
"This translators refuses to work with badly
Dinny Jun 26, 2012
Translation Project / Vendor Management Agencies, Try Work With Some Realistic Deadlines! Fine, José... so what do you suggest? It might be exactly as you line it up... so what
can we do about it? Is there no way to "join
forces" and just demand/state that we do not
accept that? Or do each of us have to fight
Dinny Jun 25, 2012
Translation Project / Vendor Management Agencies, Try Work With Some Realistic Deadlines! So I should change my ways... ... stating on my c.v. to "not ask me for
anything unless I have seven days to do it,
however little!" I think I might just want to
do that. SOMEBODY has to educate the agencies,
Dinny Jun 25, 2012
Translation Project / Vendor Management Agencies, Try Work With Some Realistic Deadlines! Hi all, It is summer, and many translators are
not available, because they are on holidays. Fine
with me, summer is always a good time to link with
some new outsourcers. But whenever
Dinny Jun 25, 2012
Italian Conviene accettare una traduzione su un argomento sconosciuto? A volte accetto... Capita che un mio cliente mi chiede una
traduzione su un argomento che non mi è
familiare. Allora dico sì, spiegando che
visto che l'argomento non mi è familiare,
Dinny Jun 7, 2012
Italian Oggi mi è arrivato una mail riguardante mancanza di conformità Ciao a tutti, Ho ricevuto una mail oggi da
un'agenzia con la quale non ho mai collaborato,
ovviamente sono nella loro database, comunque
riguardava la non conformità nelle traduzion
Dinny Jun 7, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Which demand most often excludes you from jobs for which you would otherwise qualify? Payment Terms Many Southern European agencies still insist on
payment terms like end-of-month + 60 days (if not
even longer), so when I insist on payment max. 30
days from delivery, I often do not get
Dinny Jun 6, 2012
Italian Ti sei fatto pagare tramite avvocato? Racconta la tua esperienza Non farla piú complicata di cosí... Tom, trovati un qualsiasi avvocato a Milano,
spendi una telefonata per chiarire che tu vai per
il decreto ingiuntivo se non pagano
immediatamente, e fatti dire i costi per la prima
Dinny Apr 19, 2012
Italian Ti sei fatto pagare tramite avvocato? Racconta la tua esperienza Vai per il decreto ingiuntivo Mi è capitato qualche anno fa di dovermi
rivolgere ad un avvocato per ricuperare qualcosa
come 1.000 euro da un'agenzia. Ho chiamato un
avvocato della stessa città come il cliente e ho
Dinny Apr 3, 2012
Italian Accetto il lavoro ma l'agenzia NON risponde nemmeno. Mai! Anche perché avrei perso la pazienza io per prima Ammiro la tua di pazienza, Beppe. Io giá dopo
la prima risposta mancata li avrei lasciato
perdere - la vita é troppo breve per gente cosí
cafona (scusa, ignoro se con una o due
Dinny Mar 15, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a blog? On Six years ago, when I was planning to move to
Crete, I created my blog on I
updated it with my experience of being a newcomer
to Crete, with my impressions of being here
Dinny Dec 27, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you donated to a worthy cause this year? Abused animals in Crete The local organizations do wonders with the little
they have so, whenever possible, I chip in. Also
because they help ME a lot. On a regular basis I
find abandoned puppies in my garden, th
Dinny Dec 20, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: What type of chair do you have at your workspace? Had to investigate For the question about the chair: Mine is a
lavish leather chair, the type that you will find
in an executives meeting room (actually is came
from such a place), no armrests (I am workin
Dinny Dec 15, 2011
Italian I curriculum dei traduttori Vero! Hai ragione, Claudia. In quel caso una
presentazione più dettagliata sarebbe
desiderabile. Spesso le agenzie cercano "nuovi
collaboratori per il team" giusto per includerti
Dinny Sep 18, 2011

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