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Money matters Rates: south of France - Novice freelancer / Tarifs: sud de la France - Freelance débutant Are you sure you're targeting the best clients? [quote]Nicolas Minéo wrote: I am a beginner
(although I do have the equivalent of a BA in
English) in professional translating and am based
in the south of France. I am currently targeti
Sheila Wilson Apr 5, 2021
French Traduction demandée et trop perçu à rembourser : arnaque ? :( C'est une arnaque. Je suis désolée. Sheila Wilson Mar 25, 2021
Getting established How can I start a French to English legal translation career? Just get stuck in? [quote]Emma Nendick wrote: Can anyone give me any
advice on how to break into the legal translation
field?[/quote] It seems you have qualifications
and some translation experience plus a
Sheila Wilson Mar 24, 2021
Money matters Do you charge articles (a/the) and prepositions (in/of, etc) while using pay-per-word charge system? You charge for all words or all characters or all lines... [quote]James Frost wrote: Do you charge articles
(a/the) and prepositions (in/of,
etc)...[/quote] Do you translate them or do you
leave them in the source language? Of course you
Sheila Wilson Mar 24, 2021
Getting established What to include in CV when you have on and off translation experience Leave out dates [quote]Alexandra Stirling wrote: I forgot to ask
about how to tackle my length of experience. As I
mentioned, I first started translating regularly
in 2006 in a construction company but a
Sheila Wilson Mar 18, 2021
Money matters Proz PLUS package for training: Is it worth it? FB group [quote]Elena Feriani wrote: It turns out that one
of the perks I overlooked is a membership to an
exclusive Facebook group![/quote] That can be
very useful to have, if you make good use
Sheila Wilson Mar 18, 2021
Money matters Appropriate action to take in response to non-payment of invoice Inform staff [quote]Mark Harris wrote: Their response is to
effectively blackmail me, demanding that I remove
the review or they won't pay me at all, and
they're also threatening to leave a negative
Sheila Wilson Mar 18, 2021
Money matters 60 day post invoice payment terms Not normal, but not uncommon Thirty days is very common, 45 days is quite
common, followed by 60 days. I don't think I've
ever accepted 60 days, but we all have our own
limits. I've actually always invoiced most clien
Sheila Wilson Mar 18, 2021
Getting established What to include in CV when you have on and off translation experience A common career path My career path was very similar to yours, and I
think we're far from being alone. I wrote a
Wiki for on the subject of the CV. Check
that out first as it should give you lots o
Sheila Wilson Mar 17, 2021
Getting established Working remotely from Spain (but as UK tax-resident) The spouse of an EU citizen has rights [quote]Biz_84 wrote: Sheila, is that definitely
true wrt marrying over here? I find it so
difficult to access good-quality information on
this topic, but that would definitely make things
Sheila Wilson Mar 17, 2021
Business issues NDA must be hand signed then scanned! I don't know about it being authorised or not [quote]Dalia Nour wrote: Will this be "authorized
digital signature"? May I ask you how can I make
an authorized digital signature? [/quote] I don't
know about that. But it's a feature p
Sheila Wilson Mar 17, 2021
Business issues NDA must be hand signed then scanned! Not a PDF? A Word file is strange as you could just edit the
whole thing very easily before signing it. The
ones I've received recently have been PDFs. I've
stored my name and signature in Adobe Read
Sheila Wilson Mar 16, 2021
Money matters Client wants to change a closed invoice The way of working is important here [quote]Laura Chiesa wrote: We do not have
specific agreements around reps: each task is
proposed automatically by their proprietary
software, which displays the number of words to be
Sheila Wilson Mar 16, 2021
French Démarrer en tant que traducteur indépendant (conseils) Un conseil [quote]Marine Quintrand wrote: Mon site Web est
bientôt en ligne. [/quote] Votre site web
serait-il trouvable sur Google ? J'en doute,
malgré qu'un site web est un vrai atout une fois<
Sheila Wilson Mar 12, 2021
Money matters Appropriate action to take in response to non-payment of invoice Send the PDF of the submission [quote]Teresa Borges wrote: If your customer is
in Europe you can use the European Small Claims
( to make a claim
Sheila Wilson Mar 8, 2021
Getting established Working remotely from Spain (but as UK tax-resident) No possibility of marriage? [quote]Biz_84 wrote: My situation is that my
partner is Spanish, so we could go down the pareja
de hecho (stable partner) route and get residency
off the back of that. The only thing is t
Sheila Wilson Mar 8, 2021
Getting established Working remotely from Spain (but as UK tax-resident) Nationality? [quote]Biz_84 wrote: I'm a UK citizen, but am
looking to join my partner in Spain (now more
difficult since Brexit, since you require a
visa).[/quote] What nationality is your partner?
Sheila Wilson Mar 7, 2021 technical support Tkt support Help Centre [quote]Andrew Hunt wrote: can u tell me how I can
speak to someone physical (e-mail?) instead of
those annoying FAQs? [/quote] What you need is in
the Help Centre, here: https://go.proz
Sheila Wilson Mar 2, 2021
Scams Non - registered proZ users Similar to known scams, but not identical Have you read all the information on current scams
in the Scam Centre, Macrina? A lot depends on
the details. One thing you haven't shared is the
text you'll be translating. Have you G
Sheila Wilson Mar 2, 2021
Money matters International payment came through 6% down, how best to avoid this in the future? You need to have several options for clients It's good to offer clients payment options that
won't cost you money. I had a UK sterling account
for UK-based clients only. All euro zone clients
were asked to pay into my EU euro bank ac
Sheila Wilson Feb 27, 2021
Translation in the UK Where do you think is the best or most suitable city for setting up a translation company in the UK? Why does it matter? How many clients are you expecting to come
knocking on your door? How many suppliers? Surely,
they'll all get in touch with you electronically,
unless you offer the translation of certifie
Sheila Wilson Feb 23, 2021
Money matters Need help asking for higher rates Better way of managing it [quote]Michael Newton wrote: In this Covid
economy it could be treacherous asking for a
higher rate (remember Oliver Twist? "Please sir, I
want some more"). I would look for new clients a
Sheila Wilson Feb 7, 2021
Money matters Client publishes translation without paying for it A PO gives no benefit [quote]Sadek_A wrote: If you have no PO, then
your ground might be less solid. [/quote] No, if
there is no PO then there should be an exchange of
emails that will clearly show that the c
Sheila Wilson Feb 6, 2021
Money matters Need help asking for higher rates Don't ask; inform Kay-Victor has set it out really well. You aren't
asking them for a raise -- you aren't an employee;
you're informing them that your business needs to
charge more from now on.
Sheila Wilson Feb 5, 2021
Money matters Being asked to work for free - what to do? Agreed [quote]texjax DDS PhD wrote: "Respectable
universities" don't exploit anyone.
[/quote] "Respectable universities" have budgets
for translation work.
Sheila Wilson Feb 2, 2021
Business issues How to pursue a different specialty MOOCs? [quote]Marina Taffetani wrote: I don't think I
can afford to go back to university at the moment,
as I'm the only one who works in my family,
courtesy of the pandemic crisis. Luckily I do
Sheila Wilson Jan 27, 2021
Getting established Is it possible to get jobs without the pro membership? It isn't impossible, but it is unlikely to be a frequent occurrence Firstly, let's consider the public job board.
There are two ways clients can ask translators to
reply: via the site or by email. Replying via the
site used to be possible for registered us
Sheila Wilson Jan 25, 2021
Translation in the UK Thoughts on the sustainability of translation as a career for young translators Some thoughts [quote]Laura Jones wrote: I would have only one
source and one target language and have been
advised that this is too little given the
increasing influence of machine translation on the
Sheila Wilson Jan 25, 2021
Scams Have you ever know about this company? Using a similar name to established businesses Reedsy is a well-known publishing platform that is
open to proofreaders by invitation/qualification
only. Apparently, another platform out there is
called Readz, although I don't know anyt
Sheila Wilson Jan 25, 2021
Getting established Looking for advice on what to do next after completing translation Master's Some possible ideas [quote]Adam-MSCR wrote: I'll be updating
(overhauling) my Proz profile and CV once I've
received my grades.[/quote] There are some things
that it would be worth updating asap. For exampl
Sheila Wilson Jan 25, 2021
Business issues Invoice rejected because it was sent in later than 3 months (Translation Agency) My experience Way back, in France, I signed a contract that said
I would only receive payment on completion of a
training course I was giving. When the student
withdrew, I invoiced the company. They ins
Sheila Wilson Jan 20, 2021
Business issues Is this as weird as I first thought? Or did I miss the new normal? The time difference may not have occurred to them [quote]Adieu wrote: Now I'm all internally
conflicted: 1. Ignore 2. Express outrage 3.
Invoice them for it at rush rates 4. Very
politely suggest uploading it to youtube I'm
Sheila Wilson Jan 18, 2021
Business issues Scammed by a 5 stars rated agency. Report them to site staff [quote]Michael Newton wrote: Don't be scammed by
agencies that say they will pay you if you delete
the unfavorable rating. Once the rating is
deleted, they disappear and you are prevented
Sheila Wilson Jan 16, 2021
Business issues Invoicing after BREXIT Too law-abiding, maybe [quote]Chris S wrote: Unless you’ve been busy
laundering for the Canarian mafia,
Sheila?[/quote] The scariness came from two
things: (1) my own inability to fully understand
the re
Sheila Wilson Jan 13, 2021
Business issues Invoice rejected because it was sent in later than 3 months (Translation Agency) Aren't there legal limits, which exceed 3 months? Maybe you'll find the legal limits for the
ublic/invRules/invRulesPublicationPage.html Fro
m the
UK: https:
Sheila Wilson Jan 13, 2021
Business issues Invoicing after BREXIT Invest now to save grief in the future? [quote]Angie Garbarino wrote: law is clear and I
checked below a link highliting the article of law
Sheila Wilson Jan 13, 2021
Getting established Some Beginner Questions Agencies are good for gaining experience [quote]Nikki Scott-Despaigne wrote: Agencies - vs
-direct clients. Target direct clients. Clients
will notice that you speak the same language,
figuratively and otherwise. They will be c
Sheila Wilson Jan 13, 2021
Business issues Invoicing after BREXIT Hedge your bets [quote]Angie Garbarino wrote: Both accountants
(the former Italian and the current Spaniard) told
me that it is ok to invoice always in English,
being it a lingua franca accepted all over
Sheila Wilson Jan 13, 2021
Getting established Some Beginner Questions Scream your assets from the rooftops. Here are some ideas. [quote]David Hensley wrote: - Is there anything I
can do with my degrees in accounting in my Proz
profile? It seems the Credentials section is
strictly for translation credentials.[/quote
Sheila Wilson Jan 13, 2021 profile help Help with my ProZ profile Support ticket [quote]Isabel Taveira wrote: As for the
credentials, if I want to verify them I would have
to send a copy of my degree. Is it secure to send
something like a degree?[/quote] If you can't
Sheila Wilson Jan 5, 2021 profile help Help with my ProZ profile Welcome, Isabel! [quote]Isabel Taveira wrote: It's my first post
on ProZ forum. I'm going to start as a freelance
translator in a few days/weeks. I'm new on ProZ
and on the translation market, so be kind
Sheila Wilson Jan 4, 2021
Getting established Full ProZ membership or buying a CAT tool - which is a better spend for a newbie? PLUS membership If you were to invest in the Plus grade of
membership here you would get a PRO CAT tool as
well as several other tools for PM, term
management, etc. You would also get access to the
Sheila Wilson Dec 31, 2020
Money matters "Cancellations" or getting booked for a time-sensitive job that... never arrives Time to put a stop to it? [quote]Adieu wrote: [quote]Kay Denney
wrote: It sounds like these people are bullies,
you'll need to stand your ground if you want them
to respect you. If they don't want respectable
Sheila Wilson Dec 31, 2020
KudoZ What constitutes misuse of the Kudos feature? Report to site staff Moderators can only look at the content of a
question and determine whether it breaks the rules
of KudoZ. In this case, it sounds as though each
question is probably within the rules. Some
Sheila Wilson Dec 28, 2020
Getting established Name for Translation Agency Cancun paradise? [quote]Angie Garbarino wrote: [quote]Sheila
Wilson wrote: You may move so using the town
name could be problematic
[/quote] Cancun Which is a paradise not that
paradise is th
Sheila Wilson Dec 23, 2020
Scams Fear of not getting paid: Is it normal for an oursourcer to send all accumulated P.O.s end of month? After the work is too late [quote]Nikki Scott-Despaigne wrote: The important
thing is to make sure that you have a written
trace of what terms and conditions both parties
agreed to. What is to be done, by when and
Sheila Wilson Dec 23, 2020
Getting established Name for Translation Agency Your name will never change You may move so using the town name could be
problematic. Your name is the one constant. And
it's your own skills and experience that you're
selling, so it's 100% appropriate.
Sheila Wilson Dec 23, 2020
Scams Fear of not getting paid: Is it normal for an oursourcer to send all accumulated P.O.s end of month? What do you know about your agreement? Are you sure they're going to be sending a PO? Few
of my clients send them and that's just fine with
me. Are they expecting to be invoiced for each
job or monthly? When and how are they
Sheila Wilson Dec 21, 2020
Internet for translators How fast is your internet connection? I think at last I've got a pretty good connection Our fibre setup arrived late last year; before
that I had 6 mbps download speed as a maximum.
Sheila Wilson Dec 18, 2020
CAT Tools Technical Help Essential software for new translators There is no essential CAT tool [quote]Bronagh McInerney wrote: Any advice on
software which is affordable and essential. I
noticed that a lot of jobs request
software.[/quote] With CafeTran being included in
Sheila Wilson Dec 10, 2020

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