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    • English
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        • Term
          • manspreading
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          • The practice whereby a man, especially one traveling on public transportation, adopts a sitting position with his legs wide apart, in such a way as to encroach on an adjacent seat or seats. Oxford
        • Example sentence(s)
          • A student has faced an "unpleasant backlash" over her award-winning chair designed to stop "manspreading". - BBC News by
          • Anna Dovgalyuk, 20, has started splashing a mixture of water and bleach on the groins of men with their legs spread too far on the St Petersberg metro. The law student embarked on the one-woman crusade to stop manspreading and has accused men in her native Russia of "gender aggression" but says the country is not doing enough the tackle the problem. - The Sun by
          • Whilst it's most certainly not the politest of ways to sit oneself, does the act of manspreading really legitimise anybody to define space as “inherently gendered”, as Mic subsequently did? Is it actually a case of men monopolising a woman’s space out of intrinsic entitlement? Or does science play a bigger part than we might think? - Independent by
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    • Portuguese
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          • Manspreading
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          • Manspreading, ou man-sitting, é a prática de homens sentarem-se no transporte público com as pernas abertas e, portanto, ocupando mais que um assento. Wikipedia - by Julio Cinquina
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Uma jovem britânica de 23 anos ficou em primeiro lugar na edição deste ano de um concurso voltado para designers com sua criação de modelos de cadeiras para combater o hábito do manspreading, quando homens se sentam com as pernas abertas sem qualquer necessidade. - O Globo by Julio Cinquina
          • Uma das maiores queixas feitas por mulheres que fazem uso de transporte público é o hábito de homens abrirem as pernas quando estão sentados. Essa atitude leva o nome de manspreading, de acordo com o vocabulário feminista. - Estadão by Julio Cinquina
          • Os autocarros de Madrid vão colocar novos autocolantes contra o "manspreading", uma palavra inglesa que exprime o costume de alguns homens de se sentarem com as pernas abertas. - Diário de Notícias by Julio Cinquina
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    • Ukrainian
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          • менспрединг
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        • Definition(s)
          • Менспрединг (англ. Manspreading — чоловіче сидіння розвальцем, «мужоро́звальні») — звичка деяких чоловіків сидіти в громадському транспорті широко розставивши ноги і займаючи, таким чином, більше одного сидячого місця, через що іншим пасажирам доводиться їхати стоячи. Вікіпедія - by Inna Iryskina
        • Example sentence(s)
          • додав «менспрединг» у свій список слів ще в 2015 році, але чоловіки продовжують робити вигляд, що мають геніталії слона або хоча б породистого жеребця. - by Inna Iryskina
          • Британстка дизайнерка Лейла Лорел створила дизайн стільців, що запобігають менспредингу. - inspired by Inna Iryskina
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  • Compare this term in: Croatian, Arabic, German, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), French, Hungarian, Italian, Russian

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