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    • English
      • Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
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          • Term
            • click-wrap licence
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          • Definition(s)
            • A licence concerning the use of a copyright work, usually a software product, that includes pre-drafted terms and conditions of sale that consumers are required to agree to before being able the work. These terms and conditions are usually non-negotiable. A consumer is required to mouse "click" on an "agree" button before being able to load or use the program. Min. of Economic Development New Zealand
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Individual genotypes were made available on the HapMap website, but anyone seeking to use the research data was first required to register via the website and enter into a click-wrap licence for the use of the data. - Dept of Chemistry - Cambridge University by
            • Under Canadian law, a licensee is bound by all the terms of a licence contract if at the moment of acceptance, the licencee had actual knowledge of the existence of the contract. Since the click-wrap procedure only allows software to be downloaded after the licencee has seen the licencing contract, the enforceability of click-wrap licences is generally not an issue. - Ridout & Maybee LLP by
            • his Click-Wrap Licence Agreement is a user licence (for either a single or a corporate licensee) for software either downloaded from a website or loaded from disk, where the licence terms are accepted on screen by following a "click to accept" procedure. - Clickdocs® by
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    • Romanian
      • Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
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          • Term
            • licenta de accept electronic
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • Licenţa de accept electronic este o licenţă de utilizator (concesionar de licenţă individual sau corporaţie) de software descărcat de pe un sit web sau incărcat de pe disc, unde termenii licenţei sunt acceptaţi pe ecran folosind procedura "acceptare prin clic". Clickdocs (personal translation) - by ION CAPATINA
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Sa aplicam acest articol la un contract de tip “click-wrap”-accept electronic – sa spunem un contract pe Internet prin care ni se ofera un serviciu de gazduire online. Practic, textul contractului pus la dispozitie prin Internet de catre firma care ofera servicii de hosting (Ofertant) este o oferta de a contracta (uneori titlul acestei sectiuni se numeste si Termeni si Servicii sau Conventie intre parti – acest lucru practic nu are importanta). Orice persoana care doreste sa aiba acces la serviciile respective trebuie sa “accepte oferta de a contracta” . - Drept & Internet - noutati si opinii by ION CAPATINA
            • "Contractele de tip „click-wrap”-accept electronic- in care trebuie sa faci o actiune pentru a-ti exprima acordul. Actiunea este, de obicei, apasarea unui buton, bifarea unei casute care explica termenii, uneori un clik pe un link dintr-un e-mail etc." - Drept&Internet-Legatura intre click si.. by ION CAPATINA
            • "Legea comerţului electronic - 365/2002 Regulament nr. 4/2002 al BNR privind tranzacţiile efectuate prin intermediul instrumentelor de plata electronica şi relatiile dintre participantii la aceste tranzacţii Ordinul 16/2003 al MCTI privind procedura de avizare a instrumentelor de plata cu acces la distanta, de tipul aplicatiilor Internet-banking sau home-banking Legea semnaturii electronice - 429 / 2001 Norme tehnice şi metodologice din 13 decembrie 2001 pentru aplicarea Legii nr. 455/2001 privind semnatura electronica " - by ION CAPATINA
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