Powwow Report for Serbia - Belgrade (Jan 17 2015)

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Report from  Cedomir Pusica
A very cosy atmosphere at the Dva jelena restaurant (Skadarlija - Old town).

Hope to see you all next time!

Photos from  Cedomir Pusica

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Ljiljana Krstic
Emilija Tomovic (X)
Danijela Pejcic
Miomira Brankovic
Cedomir Pusica
Ljiljana Pešić
Igor Jaramaz
Milica Prorok
Željko Ljiljak-Vukajlović

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Feb 25 '15  Igor Jaramaz: Заиста пријатно
Било ми је јако драго да Вас све упознам.

Зовите када буде наредног окупљања или ако некоме затреба испомоћ...
Feb 25 '15  Ljiljana Krstic: pleasant winter evening
despite a big birthday party just across our table, we had a chance to exchange experiences and even enjoyed the live band music ..hope to repeat this soon