Powwow Report for United Kingdom - Birmingham (Jan 26 2013)

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Report from  Milen Bossev
Thanks to all who came to the powwow despite the cold and icy conditions. The discussion this time was centred on the business, rather than linguistic, aspects of being a freelance translator – ways of marketing oneself, best strategies for approaching and acquiring new clients, membership in professional organisations. On the lighter side, snowmen (or snowmen-like creatures), coping with icy conditions, the pros and cons of keeping biscuits at one’s desk, as well as eating habits and temptations in the home office were also discussed.

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Svanhild Aldal
Milen Bossev
Vikki Pendleton
Annika Jasse

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Jan 28 '13  Vikki Pendleton: Thanks
Thanks for organising this again Milen, Ort Café really is a great venue. And thanks Svanhild for all your sound advice as usual.

Great to see a new face as well, so thanks Annika for making the journey into the unknown! I had a lovely time chatting to all of you.
Jan 28 '13  Annika Jasse: Thanks
It was lovely to meet and chat to fellow translators - being quite a newbie to freelance translation it was a great opportunity for me to ask lots of questions! Thanks for organising the meeting, Milen (and for the very helpful description of how to get to Ort Café - it really was a piece of cake to get there, and they also serve very nice cake...:)!
Jan 28 '13  Svanhild Aldal: Thanks
Thanks for organising, Milen! Nice to see you again, and great to talk to Vikki and Annika as well. I had a good time discussing business, biscuits and other vital translation topics!
Jan 28 '13  David Willett: Apologies
Sorry I couldn\'t make it after all, Milen. Babysitting unfortunately fell through at the last minute. Hope you all had a good time, and I will hopefully be able to make the next meeting!