Powwow Report for Germany - Stuttgart (Oct 8 2011)

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Report from  Woodstock (X)
We started with five of us, just getting acquainted and exchanging information, as most of us had not met before. Three more showed up between 1 and 2 p.m., at which point we then began our scheduled discussion about CAT tools. We represented a very good mix (Wordfast, Trados 2007 and Studio 2009, Across, and MemoQ. Agnieszka was deciding which one to buy and asked for advice, and Leticia had just purchased Deja Vu but not worked with it yet. The organizer, Woodstock, had brought a laptop that had Trados 2007, 2009 and MemoQ on it, but the space was too awkward to do any useful demonstration (plus MemoQ had been a very recent acquisition, which meant lack of familiarity with its features), so we mostly just talked about our various experiences with our respective CAT Tools: what we liked about it, what we didn't like about it or thought could be improved, how useful it was when acquiring jobs/clients, etc. Holger 54 is a former software engineer, so he had quite a lot to say about the programming side of the ones he had worked with (Trados, Wordfast, Transit). Unfortunately the venue was also very noisy because it's a popular place and often crowded, so it was a little difficult at times to communicate. If we had been a few more people, it would have been a real problem, but with eight people in all and mini-groups forming now and again, it was a very pleasant afternoon. We broke up at 4 p.m. because a large party was due at the restaurant, but we agreed it was a good idea to meet regularly, about every three months or so, with changing venues in the region. We settled on Tübingen for the next powwow, which will be scheduled for mid-January. Leticia knows her way around there and will suggest a restaurant in advance. Then we went our separate ways.

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Arthur Jacobson
Woodstock (X)
X \"Reporter\"
Michael Harris
Agnieszka Grzesiak
Sabine Winter

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