Powwow Report for United Kingdom - London (Mar 16 2002)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Ana Luiza Iaria (X)
Gillian Searl
Sophie Ciaramella

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Mar 16 '02  Helena El Masri: report
Members at the meeting: Gillian Noameshie, Halina Arendt, Kristina Hirsch, Sophie Vaudolon, Ana and Helena. It was a pleasure meeting you today.

It was a shame that not more people attended today but between us six we had a great time. The exchange of ideas and tips over lunch was of great help to all and we all had a chance to talk about our work and projects.

The NG Cafe is actually a great place to meet, we managed to get the first row of tables as we enter the cafe. 12 noon was actually a good hour to arrive because by 1.30pm the cafe was full. As none of us remembered to bring a camera we don't have a pic to show you but we talked about meeting again soon, maybe in May, so watch this space...