Selling of ancient hand written book

Post Details
Offer - Miscellaneous - An ancient hand written book about 300 years ago - Cyprus
From: Shahram Chapari
Posted on: Dec 14, 2008
Location: Cyprus, Lefkose
Description: I have an ancient handwritten book for sale or exchange; selling at reasonable price or exchange with equilavent price by a building, villa, apartment in Cyprus, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman,Turkey, other countries or some cash and exchange
Description of item is as below:
Name of Book: Rules of Justice
Style of writing:Very good Naskh
Ink:Black, Chapters/titles: red Violet
Amputation /form:Small Book-rack
Size of pages:29cmx19cm
Number of pages:336 pages(168 sheet)
Number of lines per page: 25 line
Type of paper:Cashmere(Silk)
Inscription date:Unknown for lost of few ending pages
Cover: Designated embossed leader with burnt brown color
Appearance and condition:Proper and regular cover and pages without any dispersion and falling except one or two pages from end of book
Payment is required for this

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