Seeking help in career swing

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Request - Mentoring
From: Christine Walsh
Posted on: Sep 30, 2010
Description: I am a competent translator and work in English and Spanish, in either direction. I graduated in 1996 but went right on teaching, only doing translations on request, for people who knew me/of me. About 5 years ago a book translation just landed in my lap, and I found the experience so gratifying that I've been trying to really get into the profession ever since. I've had a few other similar experiences, but they were mostly word of mouth, save one from a Proz colleague.

The time that's passed hasn't affected my translating abilities, but from the technological/ marketing point of view I've missed 10 crucial years. I feel a mentoring or collaboration arrangement may be just the thing to set me on the path to where I want to go.

Many thanks,


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