Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Apr 5 esl>eng examen de rezagado make-up exam pro closed ok
- Apr 4 eng>pol The court can derail any of the new government’s laws. Sąd/Trybunał może uchylić/unieważnić dowolne/którekolwiek prawo/a/ustawę/y uchwalone/ą w czasie pro closed ok
- Apr 4 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Apr 4 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Apr 2 pol>eng ukończyć klasę o profilu mundurowym graduates of high school uniformed personnel programs, graduates of uniformed personnel high schools pro closed ok
- Mar 27 pol>eng Jestem do przodu dziesiątki tysięcy dolców. I am tens of thousands of dollars up pro closed ok
- Mar 27 pol>eng Jestem do przodu dziesiątki tysięcy dolców. I am tens of thousands of dollars in the black pro closed ok
- Mar 27 pol>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
4 Mar 27 pol>eng we wniosku zarzuca się mu, że The motion alleges that he pro closed ok
4 Mar 25 pol>eng dobrze znosi ciążę handle/cope with pregnancy well pro closed ok
4 Mar 18 pol>eng kuratorium szkoły school (supervisory) board pro closed no
- Mar 15 pol>eng kryzys bezdomności the homelessness crisis pro closed ok
- Mar 15 eng>pol visa run "wypad po nowy stempel w paszporcie" + explanation pro closed ok
4 Mar 14 eng>eng system key underlying physiological, emotional, and/or cognitive processes expressed by our our bodies pro closed no
- Mar 13 esl>eng Diploma en Bases y Herramientas para la Gestión Integral del Cambio Climático certificate/diploma in the foundations and tools for the comprehensive management of climate change pro closed no
- Mar 12 esl>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro open no
4 Mar 9 pol>eng Ameryka się kończy America's best days are behind it/her/us; America's best/glory days are a thing of the past pro closed ok
4 Mar 1 pol>eng dwufunkcyjny dual function pro closed no
4 Feb 29 eng>eng she sometimes felt she had “no core.” She felt like she lacked a clear sense of self-identity and emotional stability, she felt empty pro closed no
- Feb 24 pol>eng salon PLAY PLAY Hub, Play Shop pro closed ok
- Feb 24 pol>eng salon PLAY PLAY Salon pro closed ok
4 Feb 23 pol>eng Mundurowi wywieszają klepsydrę "Mass Staff Exodus Spells Doom for Law Enforcement," Say Fed Up Cops pro closed ok
- Feb 11 pol>eng mir (w kontekście) The so-called "Russian/Russkiy Mir" pro open no
- Feb 10 pol>eng aresztować pod zarzutem zabójstwa take sb. into custody on suspicion of homicide pro closed ok
4 Feb 10 eng>pol Fourteenth-amendment challenges to Trump in other states have either failed or r próby pozbawienia Trumpa prawa do ubiegania się o urząd prezydencki na podstawie 14. poprawki pro closed ok
- Feb 10 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
4 Feb 9 pol>eng specjalista ds. likwidacji szkód i windykacji roszczeń claims settlement/handling and debt collection specialist, officer pro closed ok
4 Feb 9 pol>eng zagrożenia z danego przedmiotu identifying a student as "at-risk" in a given subject pro closed ok
4 Feb 9 pol>eng ordynarna manipulacja blatant manipulation pro closed ok
- Feb 9 pol>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Feb 5 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro open no
4 Feb 3 pol>eng postępowanie spadkowe po zmarłej probate proceedings of the late X pro closed ok
- Feb 3 pol>eng rekompensata za mienie zabużańskie (financial) compensation for the Bug River property pro closed ok
- Feb 1 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro open no
- Feb 1 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed no
- Jan 31 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro just_closed no
- Jan 23 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro just_closed no
- Jan 23 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro open no
4 Jan 22 eng>eng Someone with whom watching paint dry wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. someone with whom you can do anything, and it will always be fun pro closed no
- Jan 22 pol>eng występująca do celów niniejszego pełnomocnictwa również w charakterze świadka appearing for the purpose of carrying out/implementing this power of attorney also in the capacity pro closed ok
4 Jan 22 pol>eng interpretować pełnomocnictwo rozszerzająco interpret the power of attorney broadly pro closed no
4 Jan 22 pol>eng Odbiór należności związanych z realizacją celu niniejszego pełnomocnictwa collection of amounts due/outstanding payments related to/necessary for pro closed ok
4 Jan 22 pol>eng pobranie ceny i kwot należnych z tytułu zawierania umów to collect amounts due under the terms of signed agreements pro closed ok
- Jan 22 pol>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Jan 21 esl>eng prueba de síntesis exemption exam pro closed no
- Jan 12 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed no
- Jan 11 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
4 Jan 9 pol>eng zabór mienia illegal seizure of property pro closed ok
4 Jan 9 pol>eng układ gabinetowy closed office layout pro closed no
- Jan 5 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered