Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 18 '03 eng>ita hard-core rally pilot irriducibile easy closed ok
4 Jan 18 '03 eng>ita shootout v.s. pro closed ok
- Jan 18 '03 eng>ita Indian figures Personaggi indiani pro closed ok
4 Jan 16 '03 eng>ita Disturbed Fairy Tales fiabe pazze easy closed ok
- Jan 16 '03 eng>ita Priorities, Policy and Communications Board of CabineManagement Board of Cabinet Commissione... easy closed ok
4 Jan 16 '03 eng>ita snugger hood piu' capiente pro closed ok
- Jan 13 '03 eng>ita mix - vedi contesto mescolanza/varietà di manodopera pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '03 eng>ita I have the vision of Christ's face every time there is a Solemn Exposition. Ho la visione del volto di Cristo ogni volta che c'è una Solenne Esposizione. pro closed no
- Jan 10 '03 eng>ita windage and elevation range raggio/arco di regolazione orizzontale e verticale pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '03 eng>ita bare power line conductors fili scoperti pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '03 eng>ita Wherefore per questa ragione pro closed ok
- Jan 11 '03 ita>eng assumere il controllo takes control over easy closed no
4 Jan 12 '03 ita>eng volanatura milling easy closed ok
- Jan 11 '03 eng>ita billiard cue racks porta stecche (?) easy closed no
- Jan 11 '03 eng>ita billiard bridges plancia da/per biliardo easy closed no
- Jan 11 '03 ita>eng copertura delle riserve securities for technical reserves cover easy closed no
- Jan 9 '03 ita>eng Il peso economico del provvedimento non é rilevante, lo é quello politico: si tr economic measure weight/importance is not relevant.... easy closed ok
3 Jan 10 '03 eng>ita Unknown services passed servizi sconosciuti accettati pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '03 ita>eng Prendo il tablet per l'acqua per il mio corpo. per l'acqua? pro closed ok
4 Jan 9 '03 eng>ita services/benefit or entitlement ...i servizi della Fondazione XXX pro closed ok
4 Jan 6 '03 eng>ita crease capacity Capacità di piegatura easy closed ok
- Jan 6 '03 eng>ita layout and system disposizione e metodo di fabbricazione easy closed ok
- Jan 5 '03 eng>ita active value management active value pro closed ok
2 Jan 5 '03 eng>ita core value investment process Processo di investimento... pro closed ok
- Jan 6 '03 ita>eng Nord Veneto Collinare hill Northern Veneto easy closed ok
- Jan 5 '03 ita>eng Società compartecipata share-holding company pro closed ok
- Jan 5 '03 eng>ita compliance by the Manager of Labour Acquiescenza/Consenso... easy closed no
- Jan 5 '03 eng>ita c.s. control store pro closed no
4 Jan 5 '03 eng>ita applicable legal rules/Italian Parliament Act on Arbitration norme legali vigenti - Legge del Parlamento Italiano sull'arbitrato easy closed ok
- Jan 5 '03 eng>ita terms for the compliance of the provisions of the award condizioni per l'accettazione delle disposizioni della sentenza easy closed no
- Jan 5 '03 eng>ita abusive offensiva, ingiuriosa pro closed ok
- Jan 5 '03 eng>ita on its merits con obiettività pro closed ok
- Jan 5 '03 eng>ita the chairman of the General Council of the Lawyers of Italy.. Consiglio (Generale) dell'Ordine degli Avvocati easy closed ok
- Jan 3 '03 eng>ita juicy Slang. voluptuous or seductive pro closed ok
- Jan 2 '03 ita>eng avviso di garanzia notification (?) pro closed ok
- Dec 31 '02 ita>eng blocco a cicchetto cicchetto=primer pro closed no
- Dec 31 '02 eng>ita women only retreats a specialty ritiri per sole donne, una specialità easy closed ok
- Dec 29 '02 ita>eng impianto di attuazione accomplishment system pro closed ok
- Dec 27 '02 eng>ita rec room recreation room pro closed no
- Dec 27 '02 eng>ita Maximum pulse Massima/e vibrazione/i pro closed no
- Dec 27 '02 eng>ita additional guidance ulteriore aiuto pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered