Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
1 Sep 12 '02 deu>eng Haushaltsabteilung budgeting department easy closed ok
- Sep 11 '02 deu>eng Scheinblatt euphorbia pro closed ok
- Sep 10 '02 deu>eng Berufsbildungszentrum der Kreishanwerkerschaft Paderborn Paderborn district training centre for skilled manual workers pro closed no
- Sep 10 '02 deu>eng in edlem Wettstreit gentlemanly rivalry pro closed ok
4 Sep 9 '02 deu>eng Zügeltransport Bücher cost of moving books pro closed no
- Sep 9 '02 deu>eng Afa Absetzungen für Abnutzung pro closed ok
- Sep 9 '02 deu>eng Fahrzeugdatenträger vehicle data plate pro closed ok
4 Sep 9 '02 deu>eng Plisterhakenträger racks for blister packs pro closed no
- Sep 9 '02 deu>eng Konfektionsrahmen clothes rail pro closed ok
- Sep 9 '02 deu>eng Pullunder sleeveless pullover pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '02 deu>eng Faszikeln volumes pro closed ok
4 Sep 5 '02 deu>eng Wissende connoisseurs pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '02 deu>eng matt glänzend gentle shine or pale shine pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '02 deu>eng Kreuzverstrebungen crossover straps easy closed no
- Sep 4 '02 deu>eng einem Angehörigen eines Geschäftsführers member of his/her family pro closed ok
- Sep 4 '02 deu>eng heilpädagogisches Voltigieren therapeutic exercises on horseback pro closed no
- Sep 4 '02 deu>eng sinngemäßen Wortlaut in accordance with the relevant wording of para...... pro closed ok
- Sep 4 '02 deu>eng Werbeakademie des Wirtschaftsfoerderungsinstituts The School of Advertising of the Institute for the Furthering of Economic Studies pro closed no
- Sep 3 '02 deu>eng Fachklasse three-year embroidery course pro closed ok
- Sep 3 '02 eng>deu state establishment number aangeben easy closed no
- Sep 3 '02 eng>deu DEP COM CIV MAR Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriages pro closed no
- Sep 3 '02 deu>eng ungeregelt unregulated pro closed ok
- Sep 2 '02 deu>eng raidol oil-seed rape pro open no
- Aug 31 '02 deu>eng geprägt What stands out in ones memory of the palace is ..... pro closed ok
- Aug 30 '02 deu>eng Alles aus dem Hause ...... We do it all. pro closed ok
- Aug 30 '02 deu>eng Ausgabenkompetenzen authority to incur expenditure pro closed ok
- Aug 30 '02 deu>eng Rückweg-Empfängerkarten return path receiver pro closed ok
- Aug 27 '02 deu>eng Jasmin und Solanum jasmine and solanum pro closed ok
- Aug 27 '02 deu>eng Gartenfreuden Yourr enjoyment will be even greater on your return. pro closed no
4 Aug 27 '02 deu>eng Formateingabe without having to change the format easy closed no
- Aug 27 '02 deu>eng Menübefehl option easy closed ok
- Aug 23 '02 deu>eng Minimalismus (Satz) No-one wants only the basics. or People want more than bare necessities. pro closed no
- Aug 23 '02 deu>eng help with phrase Every idea is a wanted idea. pro closed no
2 Aug 23 '02 deu>eng Ausstrahlung the spread of the cult to Latin America pro closed ok
- Aug 22 '02 deu>eng Aufsatzschloss surface-mounted locks pro closed ok
- Aug 21 '02 deu>eng Ich werde außer Haus sein von 08.07.2002 bis 25.08.2002. I shall be away from July 8th until August 25th. easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered