Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 7 '20 eng>ara mug فخورا pro closed ok
- Mar 6 '20 eng>ara Shipper's Load and Count التحميل والعد عن طريق الشاحن pro closed ok
- Mar 6 '20 ara>eng عرّف I know pro closed ok
- Mar 1 '20 ara>eng زمرة الخفر the band of guards/watchdogs pro just_closed no
- Mar 4 '20 ara>eng المحتسب God's Seeker pro closed no
- Mar 5 '20 eng>ara health care marker وصمة الرعاية الصحية pro closed ok
- Feb 9 '20 ara>eng كفالة غرمية a penalty bail pro just_closed no
- Jan 24 '20 ara>eng أولدتها الأولاد We had children easy closed ok
- Jan 23 '20 eng>ara CTPI-R اﻹختبار المركزي للشخصية المخترعة pro closed no
- Jan 14 '20 ara>eng قراءة وصفية تحليلية An analytical and descriptive study pro just_closed no
- Jan 15 '20 ara>eng العبرة بما يتقرر the lesson is what's decided/agreed upon pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '20 ara>eng حكم ابتدائي interlocutory judgement pro closed ok
- Dec 17 '19 ara>eng زادني إصرارا Increased/enhanced my perseverance pro closed no
- Dec 17 '19 ara>eng رئيس الهيئة الادارية the head of the administrative body pro open no
- Dec 16 '19 eng>ara assimilated استيعبت pro closed ok
- Dec 15 '19 ara>eng رائدة ريفية Rural pioneer pro closed no
- Dec 15 '19 eng>ara build momentum إيجاد دفعة pro closed no
- Dec 15 '19 eng>ara associate مساعد pro closed ok
- Dec 15 '19 eng>ara venture capitalist رأس المال المخاطر pro closed ok
- Dec 14 '19 eng>ara edible coating طلاء قابل للأكل pro closed no
- Dec 14 '19 eng>ara magazine programme برنامج المجلة اﻹخبارية pro closed ok
- Dec 14 '19 eng>ara reaches المناطق pro closed ok
- Dec 14 '19 eng>ara our brains have limited attention spans إن أدمغتنا تتمتع بمدى انتباه محدود pro closed ok
- Dec 13 '19 eng>fra pre-picked préparées pro closed no
- Dec 12 '19 eng>ara veno-occlusive liver داء إنسداد الوريد الكبدي pro closed no
- Dec 12 '19 eng>fra the gig cliquer sur le concert pro closed no
- Dec 12 '19 eng>ara HIPAA AUTHORIZATION التصريح بقانون التأمين الصحي ﻹثبات النية pro closed ok
- Dec 12 '19 fra>eng bordereau d'effets émis bills issued summary slip pro just_closed no
- Dec 12 '19 eng>ara placed with توضع/تبرم pro closed ok
- Dec 12 '19 eng>ara sub-SUBCONTRACTOR مقاول ثانوي فرعي pro closed no
- Dec 11 '19 ara>eng بطلان الحكم لتناقض الأسباب والمنطوق The invalidity of the judgement due to the inconsistent reasons and enunciation pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '19 ara>eng حفظ الدعوى abatement pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '19 eng>ara PoE+ Gigabit Ethernet Port نقطة الإدخل+ منفذ إيثرنت  بمعدل جيجا بيتة  pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '19 eng>ara Combo Port منفذ التحرير والسرد pro closed ok
- Dec 9 '19 fra>eng dossier d’agrément an application for authorization pro closed ok
- Dec 9 '19 eng>fra Privilege Stamp tampon privilège pro closed no
- Dec 9 '19 eng>fra Comparable Uncontrolled Price prix comparable non contrôlé pro closed ok
- Dec 9 '19 eng>fra tread decking revêtement de marche pro just_closed no
- Dec 9 '19 eng>ara now person الشخص اﻵني pro closed no
- Dec 9 '19 eng>ara making sales based on cold calls إجراء المبيعات استنادًا إلى المكالمات الباردة pro closed ok
- Jul 26 '19 eng>ara Stock photo مخزون/أرشيف الصور pro open no
- Dec 8 '19 eng>ara Hard ball stage طور الكرة الصلبة pro open no
- Dec 8 '19 ara>eng proscribed capability needs احتياجات القدرات المحظورة pro closed ok
- Dec 8 '19 eng>ara proscribed integrated Full Mission Profile (FMP) إجراء نبذة متكاملة عن البعثات المحظورة pro closed ok
- Dec 8 '19 eng>fra Easter egg oeuf de pâques. pro closed no
3 Dec 5 '19 fra>eng réanimation intensive Intensive resuscitation. pro closed no
- Dec 8 '19 eng>fra back door La porte arrière pro closed no
- Oct 27 '19 ara>fra الجهة المفوضة La partie du pouvoir pro open no
4 Sep 23 '19 fra>ara effet tribu التأثير القبلي pro closed no
- Oct 27 '19 ara>fra الجهة المعنية l'autorité chargée pro open no
Asked | Open questions | Answered