Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 21 '12 deu>eng Wahrnehmungslenkung by choice of perception pro closed no
- Feb 21 '12 deu>eng Rohertragsausgleichszahlung gross profit compensation (add payment if you like but I guess it' ok like that)) pro closed ok
- Feb 19 '12 eng>deu Infogrub maybe what they meant was infogroup? pro closed no
- Feb 18 '12 deu>eng Schwarzalarm density alert pro closed ok
- Feb 18 '12 eng>deu pre-consumer recycled Aus-und Überschuss Recycling/Vor- Konsum Recycling pro just_closed no
- Feb 18 '12 eng>deu interreactivity Reaktionstabelle pro closed ok
- Feb 16 '12 eng>deu Family Style Platters Tischbuffet pro closed no
- Feb 15 '12 eng>deu solvent swell Auswirkungen des Aufquellens von Polymeren in einem Lösungsmittel mit… pro closed ok
- Feb 15 '12 deu>eng wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich dafür entschieden haben Thank you for opening your new easy closed no
- Feb 14 '12 deu>eng Gehäuse (Kontext Waschmaschine) cabinet pro closed ok
- Feb 8 '12 eng>deu non-packetized Lektüre hiervon könnte fürs Thema hilfreich sein s.u. pro closed ok
- Feb 14 '12 deu>eng unverbindliche Bildangabe nonbinding example image pro closed ok
4 Feb 13 '12 deu>eng ausgenommen den Abverkauf von auf Lager liegender Ware unless items are sold directly from stock pro closed no
NP Feb 12 '12 eng>deu registrary's clerk Sekretariatsangestellte/er etc. pro closed no
- Feb 11 '12 deu>eng in den Tag hineinblühten blossoming through the day pro closed ok
4 Feb 10 '12 eng>deu headstage Elektrodeneingangsbox oder headstage pro closed ok
- Feb 10 '12 deu>eng nervig Please choose from selection below pro closed ok
- Feb 10 '12 deu>eng Lymphstromgebiet dissection of lymph nodes and lymph tissue within the anterior and lateral neck pro closed ok
4 Feb 7 '12 eng>deu dampers on supplies Absperrklappe pro closed ok
- Feb 3 '12 deu>eng Feder und Pinsel in Tusche brush, pen and ink pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered