Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 7 '12 rus>eng Иллюстративный ряд a row of photos/pictures pro closed ok
- Oct 7 '12 rus>eng воспаление среднего отдела глотки inflammation of the oropharynx pro just_closed no
- Oct 7 '12 rus>eng Сун Пейцзе Sun Peize pro closed no
- Oct 6 '12 eng>rus four-panel [paper towels] 4-х панельные (сложеные) pro closed no
- Oct 6 '12 rus>eng распашное платье, распашная кофта wrap around dress/dress with ties pro closed ok
4 Oct 6 '12 rus>eng препятстовать присоединению вторичной инфекции prevent secondary bacterial infections pro closed no
4 Oct 5 '12 rus>eng ДВ ОВ ЛКА diagonal branch of the left circumflex artery pro closed ok
- Oct 2 '12 eng>rus The Power of Better’ 'Сила Лучшего ' pro closed no
4 Oct 1 '12 rus>eng остатки от партий consignment/batch left overs pro closed no
- Sep 30 '12 eng>rus at 0 Hr с начала отчета pro closed no
- Sep 30 '12 rus>eng Будешь продолжать вые…ываться, получишь еще пи…юлей ...and you'll get another serving pro closed no
- Sep 27 '12 eng>rus adjacent aorta близлежащий участок аорты pro closed ok
- Sep 26 '12 eng>rus bubble curtains завес из пузырьков pro closed no
- Sep 25 '12 rus>eng предложить место шефа to be offered your boss' place pro closed ok
- Jun 11 '12 eng>rus concentration courses основной предмет специализации pro open no
Asked | Open questions | Answered