Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Aug 25 '14 ita>eng Capo della Cancelleria Consolare Chief of Consular Office pro closed ok
- Aug 10 '14 ita>eng si trattava della struttura di direzione generale and namely the Directorate-General and those internal bodies that supported its activities pro closed ok
- May 9 '14 ita>eng comunione regime of common properties - spiritual spousal communion pro closed ok
- Jan 28 '14 ita>eng sezione collegiale Jury Board pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '14 ita>eng lasciando decadere la delega thus letting the writ expire ipso jure/by the law itself pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '14 ita>eng iscritto nell'apposito elenco listed for/in the roster pro closed ok
- Feb 6 '13 ita>eng Esperita once completed pro closed no
- Jan 29 '13 ita>eng l’individuazione di un perito to find a Perito whose name is...... pro closed ok
- Jan 10 '13 ita>eng concorrono share pro closed no
- Jan 7 '13 ita>eng in (cognome al matrimonio) contrario.... pro closed ok
NP Dec 24 '12 ita>eng licenziati granted with licence pro closed ok
- Dec 23 '12 ita>eng dissociazione disassociation pro open no
- Dec 15 '12 ita>eng a suo carico he is charged with pro closed no
- Dec 14 '12 ita>eng proporre opposizione dispute pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered