Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 20 '08 eng>esl There is a lot riding hay mucho en juego pro closed ok
4 Jul 15 '08 esl>eng según el color del cristal con que se mira it's all in the eye of the beholder pro closed ok
- Jul 2 '08 eng>esl come-ons invitaciones/palabras tentadoras//personas con mucha 'labia' pro closed no
- Jun 20 '08 eng>esl Show off your hard work ¡Demuestra tus logos con orgullo! pro closed ok
4 Jun 17 '08 esl>eng la belleza está en los ojos que la miran Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '08 eng>esl A number of people visited the fair. Una gran cantidad de personas... pro closed ok
- May 22 '08 esl>eng Para que un clavo saque otro clavo con este lo clavo to remove a nail with a nail, I must use this to nail it pro just_closed no
- Apr 24 '08 eng>esl something of a jungle ...era muy enredada/complicada/dificil de navegar pro closed ok
- Apr 19 '08 eng>esl Lust often, love always desea/anhela con frecuencia, pero ama siempre pro closed ok
- Apr 6 '08 eng>esl to sit on the fence quedarse de brazos cruzados/postergar lo inevitable pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '08 esl>eng comerse la cabeza obsess/get fixed on/ponder upon/make myself crazy with pro closed ok
- Feb 28 '08 eng>esl I'm on a roll estoy que no me detiene nadie/ni un tren pro closed no
- Feb 20 '08 eng>esl Proceed through ..hasta que pase/atraviese pro closed ok
4 Feb 14 '08 esl>eng tener la vida hecha un yogurt don't know if I'm coming or going pro closed ok
- Feb 9 '08 esl>eng ha tomado mayor distancia has gone the distance/has moved things forward pro closed ok
- Feb 7 '08 esl>eng Alinear a la gente en torno al cambio train/brief/notify/advise everyone regarding the change pro closed no
- Feb 5 '08 eng>esl made at each point in time en cada fase del transcurso del tiempo pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '08 esl>eng querer tapar el sol con un dedo would be denying the obvious/denying the spots on a leopard pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '08 esl>eng donde el diablo metió la cola where the devil left his print/mark pro closed ok
- Jan 31 '08 esl>eng No son todos los que están, ni están todos los que son, pero casi: some are here and some are absent, but all are equaly important/an important part of our group pro closed no
- Jan 24 '08 eng>esl bring to bear upon ver abajo.. pro closed ok
- Jan 23 '08 eng>esl touch base with grass roots hacer contacto con las zona de campo/areas campestres pro closed ok
- Jan 17 '08 esl>eng hacer de alguien cualquier cosa make anything they want out of you/turn you into whatever they want pro closed ok
- Jan 15 '08 esl>eng malito put on the scarf because mommy/mom doesn't want you to get sick/catch something pro closed no
- Jan 11 '08 esl>eng movilizar sentimientos shift feelings and emotions pro closed ok
- Jan 7 '08 eng>esl As far as we can tell... segun lo que sabemos pro closed ok
- Dec 20 '07 esl>eng ha sabido salir al frente de has managed to overcome/get the better of those that... pro closed ok
- Dec 18 '07 esl>eng nos corresponde conducir los destinos de esta señera it is up to us to plan the future of this solitary.. pro closed no
4 Dec 17 '07 eng>esl He didn't know any better por no saber/por ignorancia/por falta de coocimiento pro closed ok
- Dec 12 '07 eng>esl so that you can avoid causing a disruption para evitar causar interferencia/alteración pro closed ok
- Nov 17 '07 eng>esl sing and hum vociferar/ hacer alarde de//hablabn de la ciudad con orgullo/alegria pro closed ok
4 Nov 13 '07 eng>esl to comb on para pasear .. pro closed ok
- Nov 3 '07 eng>esl If you don't know what you're doing, DON'T! Si no sabes lo que estás haciendo, ¡DETENTE! pro closed ok
- Nov 1 '07 eng>esl sleeping weather clima propicio para dormir pro closed ok
- Nov 1 '07 eng>esl a shocking great diamond very big/huge/enormous pro closed ok
4 Oct 30 '07 eng>esl Geek is chic esta de moda estar loco por el internet pro closed ok
- Oct 29 '07 esl>eng salirse de los firmes carriles fall off the right track pro closed ok
- Oct 23 '07 eng>esl You’re head and shoulders above the rest! tu cabeza y tus hombros siempre encima/arriba pro closed ok
- Oct 23 '07 esl>eng Mi Dios te pague. thanks for coming over, God speed/bless pro closed ok
- Oct 23 '07 eng>esl avoid the pub evitar lugares informales/íntimos pro closed ok
4 Oct 20 '07 esl>eng Basta que la hija quiera el blanco, para que la madre compre el negro. no sooner the daughter says white - the mother gets the black one pro closed ok
- Oct 20 '07 esl>eng Lo que se hereda no se roba the apple doesn't fall far from the tree pro closed ok
- Oct 19 '07 eng>esl Stick to it no claudiques/no te rindas/mantente firme pro closed ok
- Oct 19 '07 eng>esl Ride the wind dejate llevar por el viento/deja que el viento sea tus alas pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '07 eng>esl I am a light eater, When it gets light I start eating yo como muy ligero - si me apuro pudo comer más pro closed no
- Oct 10 '07 eng>esl when the other shoe's going to fall todos esperan con ansiedad su próxima derrota/la desgracia nunca viene sola pro closed ok
- Oct 6 '07 esl>eng Cuando seas padre comerás huevos you'll have to earn your wings if you want to fly pro closed ok
- Oct 1 '07 eng>esl it is up to them está de parte de ellos/le corresponde a ellos determinar... pro closed ok
- Sep 26 '07 esl>eng suerte de pasta a pasty substance/sort of pasty pro closed ok
- Sep 22 '07 eng>esl band wagon moda pasajera (in this context) pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered