Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 10 '04 deu>eng Garten Kult Tour Nature Tripping / Flower Power pro closed ok
- Mar 8 '04 deu>eng vielbesungen of song fame pro closed no
4 Mar 8 '04 deu>eng Winzerschenken wine taverns pro closed no
- Mar 5 '04 eng>deu There's a time and a place... (see context) Der rechte Ort zur rechten Zeit pro closed no
- Jan 29 '04 deu>eng Und ueber 50% Stammkunden belegen: Unser Anspruch gibt uns Recht And the fact that over 50 percent of our guests are regulars shows that we live up to our commitment pro closed no
- Dec 3 '03 deu>eng NH Vier Jahreszeiten NH Four Seasons easy closed no
- Dec 3 '03 eng>eng a modern 1960's block - typical a building in the architectural style which is typical of the 1960's pro closed no
- Nov 5 '03 deu>eng Hotelwerbegemeinschaft hotel marketing association easy closed ok
- Oct 29 '03 deu>eng gerne happy / glad easy closed no
- Oct 27 '03 deu>eng entsprechend dem aktuellen Buchungsangebot according to the current booking offer pro closed ok
- Oct 18 '03 eng>deu German Pub deutsche Kneipe / Bar / Schänke pro closed no
- Oct 14 '03 eng>deu rebranded als eigene Marke (auf dem Markt) auftreten easy closed ok
4 Oct 14 '03 eng>deu syndicate / breakout rooms Arbeitsgruppenräume pro closed no
4 Oct 7 '03 deu>eng In vielen Cafes trifft sich bis zum Nachmittag die Szene, um bei Kaffee The in-crowd hangs out in many cafés ... pro closed no
4 Oct 7 '03 deu>eng In Berlin wird Haute Cuisine In Restaurants von internationalem Rang serviert. Haute cuisine is served in Berlin's world-class restaurants pro closed no
4 Oct 7 '03 deu>eng Die regionalen Spezialitaeten sind weitaus vielseitiger und eine Entdeckung wert Regional specialties are far more varied and worth discovering pro closed no
4 Oct 7 '03 deu>eng das touristische Angebot so vielschichtig wie die Mentalität dieser Stadt visitors can choose among offerings as diverse as the spirit of this city pro closed no
4 Oct 7 '03 deu>eng wer sich lieber kundig durch den Grossstadt-Dschungel fuehren lassen will if you'd rather have an expert guide you through the jungle of the city pro closed no
4 Jun 21 '03 eng>deu American Indians Indianer pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered