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Search results: (1464 matches)
Lighter side of trans/interp Spelling error on this site... It can happen to anyone... (Staff: 'Fixed, thanks') Fixing Hello all, Thanks for pointing this out. Andrew
is currently working on fixing this. Thanks for
your patience. Best regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Mar 28, 2008 job systems I am a paid job partial member, but prevented from viewing all the posted jobs as indicated No problem Hello Virginia, If you are interested in full
membership you can see the details and purchase
here: . Please note that
you already have full member access to jo
Jared Tabor Mar 26, 2008 job systems I am a paid job partial member, but prevented from viewing all the posted jobs as indicated This does not change your ability to quote on jobs Dear Juan, At the risk of repeating some of
Ralf's information: Please note that a job
poster may choose to restrict a given job based on
a number of criteria, including native langu
Jared Tabor Mar 26, 2008 bugs "Translation jobs" bug? Customization of the homepage As I mentioned in your support request, the jobs,
KudoZ questions and forum posts you see on the
homepage under "Your prefs" can be set by using
the "Customize" link at the top of each box
Jared Tabor Mar 26, 2008 suggestions Suggest renaming the "Term or phrase" field to "Term" Term help Hello all, I believe Jack has the right idea
here. A fairly clear definition of this can be
found at
Best regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Mar 23, 2008
Lighter side of trans/interp Spelling error on this site... It can happen to anyone... (Staff: 'Fixed, thanks') Thanks Hello Damian, Thanks for pointing this out. I
will have a developer correct the phrase. Best
regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Mar 20, 2008
Money matters Translation used but payment not received is a venue Hello all, Thank you Ralf for mentioning and
clarifying the Blue Board. I would just like
to add that is a venue. I encourage all
to use the site and the tools offered here
Jared Tabor Mar 20, 2008
KudoZ Please correct faulty wording Wording changed Hello all, Thanks Kim for pointing this out.
The wording in the article you mention has been
changed. Best regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Mar 19, 2008 technical support Localize Your Content shows a different language Could this be the localized version of your profile? Hello Scarlett, Is it possible that what you
are seeing in the search results you mention is
the version of your profile localized to Arabic?
Remember that the site is localized into ma
Jared Tabor Mar 19, 2008 job systems Posted job exclusively on but it appeared on Not an effective investment Hello all, I would just like to draw attention
to Henry's words earlier in this thread, which I
believe still fit the case: [quote]Henry D
wrote: That is not a legitimate organiza
Jared Tabor Mar 17, 2008 suggestions "Report user" button on profiles? Please use the support system Hello all, We are working on improving the
steps to report spam, though this will not include
a button in profiles for reporting. Nesrin,
the support system is there for the reasons
Jared Tabor Mar 14, 2008
General technical issues Importing proz calendar on my webblog? Good idea Dear italia, This is not an option at the
moment, but it is a nice idea. I will ask one of
our developers to look into the possibility of
implementing this. Thanks! Best
Jared Tabor Mar 10, 2008 bugs Blue Board entry not appearing Thanks Nesrin Thanks, Nesrin, for reporting this and for
submitting the support request. The entry is
visible, and one of our developers is looking into
the particulars of the problem you
Jared Tabor Mar 6, 2008
KudoZ Are deleted answers counted in the total questions answered? Your statistics are for you to see Hello Andrea, To habitually remove answers to
gain unfair advantage in KudoZ would not be in
line with site rules (see ). Site
moderators a
Jared Tabor Mar 5, 2008
KudoZ Are deleted answers counted in the total questions answered? Deleted answers are not counted Hello all, Answers deleted by the answerer are
not counted in the "Questions answered" field of
the profile. Best regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Mar 5, 2008
KudoZ "My KudoZ" tab not working properly (Staff: Resolved) Problem fixed Hello all, Thanks everybody for pointing this
out. This has been fixed, and the "My"
links are working correctly now. Best
regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Mar 5, 2008
KudoZ List of open KudoZ questions: Corporate members not visible anymore (Staff: Resolved) Thanks for pointing this out - fixed Hello Erik, Thanks very much for pointing this
out. This bug has been fixed. I also noticed that
in the KudoZ question itself the Corporate ribbon
is missing, and I'll make sure that ge
Jared Tabor Feb 28, 2008 technical support Home page - jobs show as open, but closed when clicked through? (Staff: Resolved) Try it now Hello Jen, Thanks for submitting your support
request. The word "open" has been removed, for
those who have chosen to see both open and closed
jobs, and closed jobs should all be appear
Jared Tabor Feb 27, 2008 suggestions Rate displayed in directory Nice idea Hello Stanislaw, Sounds interesting. Let's
start with the currency chosen by the profile
owner. I will ask a developer to implement
this. Best regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Feb 27, 2008
Translator resources Dictionary Center - an idea Dictionay Center - update Hello all, I just wanted to update you on the
development of this idea. Those who contacted me
previously to express their interest have been
added to the private forum created for work
Jared Tabor Feb 27, 2008 suggestions Forum discussions sort Further customizing of the forum list Hello all, Great idea. I am asking one of our
developers to provide the option to customize the
homepage list of forum posts based on latest post,
and I'll be back as soon as I have new
Jared Tabor Feb 25, 2008 bugs Featured corporate member no longer visible (Staff: Resolved) Thank you Erik Hello Erik, Thanks for pointing this out. I
will make sure this gets fixed. Best
regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Feb 22, 2008
KudoZ Peer-comments by members not speaking the language If you feel there is abuse, contact moderators or site staff Hello Ioanna, If you feel there is abuse
involved, remember you can always contact the
moderator(s) for that particular language pair, or
contact site staff via support request. When do
Jared Tabor Feb 22, 2008 technical support Responding to forum postings - no "reply or comment" appears Member-only notice implemented Hello Henry, A notice has been placed in the
Membership forum to indicate that only members may
post in that particular forum, and a similar
mouseover has been added to the "Reply" butt
Jared Tabor Feb 18, 2008 technical support "Add project history" doesn't work Let's see what the problem is Hello Martin, I've just added a test project to
my profile to check this, and it seems to be
working fine. Could I ask you to open a support
request and include there the specific infor
Jared Tabor Feb 15, 2008
KudoZ marking target dialect in answers? Outdated function Thank you for pointing this out. This function has
been removed for some time, though the interface
is still there. An optional write-in field will be
added instead to allow answerers to c
Jared Tabor Feb 14, 2008 bugs Banner ad inoperative - has it expired? Thank you for pointing this out Hi Attila, Thanks for catching this. I will
draw Drew's attention to the matter. Best
regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Feb 14, 2008 suggestions Specify US or UK English when asking KudoZ The asker does have the option of specifying this and other details, in the "Explanation" field Hello Simon and Jack, Thanks for the
suggestion. The asker does have the option of
specifying this and other details, in the
"Explanation" field at
Jared Tabor Feb 11, 2008 technical support Deleting the Personal Tab Tab removed Hello Simon, As I mention in your support
request, the Personal tab in your profile has been
removed. There were some spaces in the field for
the tab, which were counting as content an
Jared Tabor Feb 11, 2008 Translator Coop Improve your "shop window" and win an iPod! How do I know if I am eligible to participate in the drawing? A new feature has been added to profiles to allow
you to easily see the status of completion of the
required and encouraged fields in your profile
updater, and to show this to others if yo
Jared Tabor Feb 7, 2008 Translator Coop Improve your "shop window" and win an iPod! Profile improvement is an ongoing process Dear ednola, The initiative to improve profiles
is ongoing, yes. These improvements help to
strengthen each profile, and the community as a
whole. The previous contest and its winners c
Jared Tabor Feb 6, 2008 suggestions Could we have an editing/reviewing forum? Proofreading/Editing/Reviewing Forum Hello all, Thanks, Viktoria, for your
suggestion, and to everyone else who has posted
their feedback. The editing/reviewing forum has
been renamed Proofreading/Editing/Reviewing to
Jared Tabor Feb 6, 2008 suggestions Various Payment Methods on profile Options for showing your accepted payment methods Hello José, and thanks for bringing this
up. Currently you can show direct links to both
Paypal and Moneybookers from your profile. Both
can be added or edited from the "Contact" tab.<
Jared Tabor Feb 5, 2008 technical support Not getting notifications? Check this out - Yahoo "blocked addresses" Good thinking! Hi Richard, I'm happy to hear you got this figured
out, and it's good advice to check this type of
setting. Sometimes it's difficult to see just why
this type of problem is happening. I
Jared Tabor Jan 24, 2008 suggestions DictionaryZ / GlossaryZ / ResourceZ (Staff: 'glosspost'!) Response to suggestion posted at Hello all, I just wanted to draw your attention
to .
Thanks! Best regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Jan 24, 2008 suggestions Dictionary review board (K) Response to suggestion posted at Hello all, I just wanted to draw your attention
to .
Thanks! Best regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Jan 24, 2008 suggestions Dictionary Center - Idea for New PROZ Feature Response to suggestion posted at Hello all, I just wanted to draw your attention
to .
Thanks! Best regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Jan 24, 2008
Translator resources Dictionary Center - an idea Great idea Thanks to Ilka and the others who have previously
brought up this idea, and to everyone who has
offered feedback. It sounds like a great idea. I
would like to invite those who are willing
Jared Tabor Jan 24, 2008
KudoZ Suggestion for relaxing or clarifying "Ask the asker" rules. Interesting suggestion Hello all, Thank you Jack for this suggestion.
As Valery mentions, the idea has been discussed
before, but I am tagging this as well for
evaluation. Please note that any eventual
Jared Tabor Jan 24, 2008
KudoZ Can it be made clearer that a question has been closed without grading? Sure it can Hello Nesrin and Maciek, Thank you for bringing
this up, this is a very good point. I will have
one of our developers make this notice a little
easier to see. Please note that, even
Jared Tabor Jan 23, 2008 technical support How to change my native language Your native languages were re-set Hello all, Macià, perhaps you did not receive
the response to your support request. Your native
languages were re-set, and all you have to do is
declare them now. Alexander, I also see
Jared Tabor Jan 21, 2008 suggestions ProZ site staff comments could be more conspicuous (in the Blue Board)? Good suggestion Hello Claire, Thank you for the suggestion,
you make a very good point. I will ask one of our
developers to make these notices a little more
eye-catching than they currently are. Be
Jared Tabor Jan 21, 2008 Translation Contests Proposed catalan and spanish is twice noticed! Thanks, Helena Hello Helena, I appreciate your pointing this
out. We are merging the the two groups now. Sorry
for the confusion, and please let me know if you
need anything else. Best regards,
Jared Tabor Jan 18, 2008 bugs Link to askers profile from KudoZ list brings up old profile format Of course Sure. Thanks for pointing it out, Katalin! Best
regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Jan 17, 2008
Arabic Continued abuse of Kudoz on the En>Ar pages Thanks Magda! Hello all, I'd just like to thank Magda for
helping out here and for having gone "the extra
mile", as our moderators do daily. As she has
mentioned, we are currently working on moderato
Jared Tabor Jan 16, 2008 bugs Closing Kudoz questions/thanking people doesn't seem to be acknowledged by the system Let's have a look Hi Cristina, thanks for detailing the information.
First, I have no support requests open for you,
are you sure you went all the way through with
submission? You should have received an em
Jared Tabor Jan 15, 2008 technical support Password change Migration to Unicode Hello Stephan, The purpose of reconfirming your
password was to make sure the character set of
your password was Unicode and would be recognized
by the system. This procedure helps to a
Jared Tabor Jan 15, 2008 bugs Closing Kudoz questions/thanking people doesn't seem to be acknowledged by the system Thank you for reporting this Hi Cristina, This sounds like something to look
into. Could you please open a support request with
the specifics? You can open a support request
here: , and
Jared Tabor Jan 15, 2008 suggestions Can't search for subtitler by service type?! Thanks for bringing this up Hello Jan, Thank you very much for pointing
this out. I have asked one of our developers to
take care of this, and will get back to you once
it has been implemented. Thanks! Best
Jared Tabor Jan 11, 2008 Translator Coop New site moderator: Erik Hansson Dear members, I kindly invite you to welcome
the latest addition to the team of
moderators. Erik Hansson will be working in KudoZ
in Swedish to German, German to Swedish, and<
Jared Tabor Jan 3, 2008

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