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Search results: (1463 matches)
ForumTopicTitleTextPosterTime Translator Coop Profile updater revised to address usability and quality issues Email addresses are not visible-- erroneous option provided Hi Joelle, Actually, it appears that this
"option" was included by mistake, though it does
not really work. Email addresses in profiles have
never been publicly visible. This helps to p
Jared Tabor Dec 30, 2008 Translator Coop Profile updater revised to address usability and quality issues Uploading your CV, feedback on the profile updater Hello Yaroslav, I see you have a CV in your
profile, were you able to upload it okay? If you
still need help with this, please just submit a
support request and attach the document you
Jared Tabor Dec 29, 2008
KudoZ Is there a bug in my Kudoz display?? Temporary technical problem-- unrelated Hello Zea_Mays, We are experiencing a few
technical difficulties which are unrelated to the
above, which may cause you to see older
information in these lists temporarily. This is
Jared Tabor Dec 23, 2008 Translator Coop Profile updater revised to address usability and quality issues Duplicate resumé removed, bug being fixed Hi Joelle, Very interesting resumé, by the
way! I think I have fixed this for you; you should
only see one in your profile now. This is
actually the result of a bug in the CV uploa
Jared Tabor Dec 19, 2008 Translator Coop Profile updater revised to address usability and quality issues Opt-out for Portfolio Good to hear, Miguel. Vilma, you had checked
the box at the bottom of your Portfolio for the
option "I choose not to enter any sample
translations at this time", which prevents further<
Jared Tabor Dec 17, 2008 Translator Coop Profile updater revised to address usability and quality issues Fields: add/remove working fine now Hello again Miguel, You should be able to
remove the fields you wish to now without
problems, please try this again and let me know if
you are still having any difficulty. Thanks to
Jared Tabor Dec 17, 2008 Translator Coop Profile updater revised to address usability and quality issues Thanks Miguel Hello Miguel, Thanks for pointing this out--
looks like there is a glitch there. We'll get this
fixed as soon as possible, and I will post back
when it's done. Thanks for your patience.
Jared Tabor Dec 17, 2008 technical support Problems with profile settings Adding sample translations to your profile Hello Helena, Thanks for reporting this. May I
ask you to contact staff via support request? If
you can include the titles, source and target
texts for the translations you are trying
Jared Tabor Dec 16, 2008 Translator Coop Profile updater revised to address usability and quality issues Under your "Professional history" section Hi Lilian, The section to complete or request
WWA entries for your profile is now found under
the "Professional history" section. Remember you
can also request entries by going to the M
Jared Tabor Dec 16, 2008
KudoZ Can no longer "edit" my translation answer explanations (Staff: Fixed) Should be working again now Hello all, Thanks first for reporting this, and
secondly for your patience while this was fixed.
We should be back to normal now. There was a
change made to the glossary-building KudoZ
Jared Tabor Dec 15, 2008 job systems I can't update my CV in my profile Support request Hello Jorge, Please just attach your updated CV
to a support request and I'll be happy to help you
with this. Thanks. Best regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Dec 15, 2008
KudoZ Obvious Kudoz questions from people claiming to be able to translate into English Let's keep it courteous Hello all, I'd like to make a friendly reminder
of site rule here.
Feedback on the KudoZ term help system and other
areas of the site is we
Jared Tabor Dec 12, 2008
KudoZ Would it be possible to have a FR IT-IT FR Mod? Volunteering for moderator Hello all, A reminder I should have posted
previously: members of the community who wish to
volunteer to serve the community as moderators may
express their willingness via support requ
Jared Tabor Dec 12, 2008
KudoZ Would it be possible to have a FR IT-IT FR Mod? Moderators Hello Angio, Sure. Candidates for moderator are
constantly being considered, and staff is
currently trying to provide moderator coverage in
language pairs where there is none. A
Jared Tabor Dec 12, 2008
Internet for translators Launch of TAUS/TDA inminent. The super cloud Previous discussion on TAUS and the phenomenon Hello all, There is an interesting discussion
on this initiative, started back in July of this
year, which may help clarify some issues somewhat,
and may be worth the time to (re)visit:
Jared Tabor Dec 12, 2008 hosting ProZ Hosting Server down? (Staff: "no') That's good to hear Hello Adele, Great, that's good to hear. You're
more than welcome to use the forums, of course,
but I hope you'll give the support system another
chance to impress. Let me know if you n
Jared Tabor Dec 11, 2008 hosting Website down Thanks Hello Adele, I see you've also posted at and I've
responded there. Tina, your site seems to be
working fine. If you are having trouble acces
Jared Tabor Dec 11, 2008 hosting ProZ Hosting Server down? (Staff: "no') Sorry for the delay Thanks all, I have drawn Andrew's attention to
this. Adele, I appreciate your patience-- Andrew
should be responding to your support requests
shortly. If anyone else is still having a simi
Jared Tabor Dec 11, 2008
KudoZ Is there a bug in my Kudoz display?? Fixing the agree/disagree bug Thanks all for reporting this. Our developers are
working on fixing the issue. Thanks for your
patience. Best regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Dec 11, 2008 job systems Wrong wrong wrong to preclude providers on the basis of which software they use. Options in the job post forms Hello all, I'd like to point out a few aspects
of the job posting forms if I may, to make sure
we're all talking about the same issues. It is
important to note that the CAT tool opti
Jared Tabor Dec 9, 2008 Translation Contests Voting just for "quality of writing" is totally unacceptable Let's return to the topic at hand Hello all, I would just like to take a moment
to remind everyone of . The
discussion has been interesting so far-- let's
keep it on topic
Jared Tabor Dec 9, 2008 technical support Is there a way to contact my visitors? Search engine crawler Hello all, There is an older thread on this at which might be of
interest as well. This is usually due to a search
engine crawler, nothing to be worried
Jared Tabor Dec 5, 2008 job systems Anyone else had problems with the Connect! platform? Problems resolved Hello Sara and Xia, There was a brief technical
issue earlier today, but this has been resolved
and you shouldn't be having any further problems
accessing Connect. If you are still havi
Jared Tabor Dec 4, 2008 Translator Coop credentials through testing? Translation-related credentials and credentials which make you stronger as a translator Hello all, Nice discussion, and I see where
there can be some confusion regarding credentials
and what to declare in your
profile. Translation-related credentials can
readily be
Jared Tabor Dec 4, 2008
KudoZ Is there a bug in my Kudoz display?? Should be working again now Hello all, The issues with the KudoZ question
search have been worked through, and you should
see it working correctly now. If anyone is still
having difficulty, please let me know. Tha
Jared Tabor Dec 4, 2008
KudoZ Is there a bug in my Kudoz display?? Working out the problem Hello again, My thanks to everyone who has
submitted information on this issue through the
support system. The problem is partially resolved,
though the search settings are still being
Jared Tabor Dec 3, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you voted in the 1st Annual Translation Contest? Users may also vote in the contests Hello Andres, Users may also vote in the
contests. See for
more information. Best regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Dec 3, 2008
KudoZ Is there a bug in my Kudoz display?? Thanks Hi Ligia, Sorry about that! :P It's good to
hear you were able to resolve the issue. I'll be
happy to look into this further if others
experiencing the problem can report this via
Jared Tabor Dec 2, 2008
KudoZ Is there a bug in my Kudoz display?? Thanks for reporting this Hello all, Thanks for reporting this. May I ask
those who are having this problem to contact me
via support request, with information on the
browser and version you are using, to help m
Jared Tabor Dec 2, 2008
KudoZ Customizing KudoZ questions displayed on home page How to customize the KudoZ questions shown on your homepage Hi Caroline, Sure you can. Just click on the
"Customize" link for the KudoZ box on your
homepage and follow the steps there, or go
directly to and enter
Jared Tabor Nov 27, 2008 technical support Kudoz notifications KudoZ dashboard settings activated by error Hello all, Unfortunately there has been a
technical problem, and members in certain language
pairs who did not previously have KudoZ
notifications activated may notice their KudoZ
Jared Tabor Nov 26, 2008 Translator Coop Administrative action history now available via your profile Tab is back Hello Vladimir, Thanks very much for pointing
that out. You should be seeing your Admin tab
again. Sorry for the inconvenience. Best
regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Nov 24, 2008
KudoZ Addition to KudoZ asker mouseover: questions closed without grading Dear members, I'd like to announce a small
addition to information shown in KudoZ questions.
The KudoZ activity mouseover which is shown by
pausing your cursor on the asker's name will
Jared Tabor Nov 21, 2008 suggestions Why I am NOT a Proz member. Membership, and other considerations Hello David, I'm sorry to hear you feel that
way about membership on the site, but I'm happy to
hear you are still "lurking" around. I think
it's important to note that membership a
Jared Tabor Nov 21, 2008 hosting Are we receiving spam via Proz? (Staff: helping the community control spam) Reporting spam Hello all, Spam is difficult to keep under
control. The best way of helping the site to
control the emails you receive is by reporting
unwanted email. Email sent via your profile will
Jared Tabor Nov 21, 2008 Translator Coop Administrative action history now available via your profile Dear Members, The rules presented at govern all activities on, and are enforced by site moderators and
staff. Among the tools used in rules enforcemen
Jared Tabor Nov 18, 2008
Site forums How many poll questions are in the queue? Of course Hi Bin, No problem, and don't worry-- once
you've made the poll suggestion it will not be
removed based on your membership status. By
the way, I do hope you decide to renew! If you<
Jared Tabor Nov 14, 2008
Site forums How many poll questions are in the queue? Poll suggestions: a lot! But keep them coming... Hello Bin, First, thanks for submitting poll
suggestions. There are currently 1,826 poll
suggestions (and counting) waiting in the queue.
Staff try to get to as many as possible, but du
Jared Tabor Nov 14, 2008 Translator Coop A couple of questions about the Certified Pro program Information on the Certified PRO program Hello all, Thanks to everyone for their
participation and feedback so far. Information on
the Certified PRO program can be found both at and
Jared Tabor Nov 6, 2008
KudoZ Why is the time a question was posted no longer shown? Times showing properly now Hello all, Thanks Armorel for pointing this
out. There was a problem with the time listing for
KudoZ and jobs, which has now been resolved, and
you should be seeing the exact times for
Jared Tabor Nov 6, 2008
Translator resources Dictionary and reference board project: volunteers welcome Dear members, As a result of previous
suggestions made by members, a Dictionary and
reference board is now in the works. The board
will allow members to add, comment, recommend and
Jared Tabor Oct 30, 2008 directory Certified and non native You beat me to the punch, Viktoria Hello all, Thanks Viktoria for pointing this
out, and thanks to all who have posted so far with
their feedback. As Viktoria has stated, mousing
over the PRO icon will now show you the s
Jared Tabor Oct 30, 2008 Translator Coop Jared is dad now :) Thanks! Hello everyone, Sorry for the late reply, I've
been adjusting to my new duties. :P Thanks to all
for the kind words and best wishes-- and as soon
as I figure out how to post cigars I'll
Jared Tabor Oct 27, 2008
Italian Conferenza Forlì 17-18 Ottobre Please contact me if you registered, were planning to attend, and were unable to secure a seat Hello all, Thanks Henry. Some of you have
already contacted me via support request on this
matter; I will be contacting you shortly to see
what can be done. May I ask anyone else who ha
Jared Tabor Oct 6, 2008
Internet for translators Internet-based cooperative. Please, reply only if interested Hello Felipe Hello all, and hello Felipe, I would like to
take a moment to point out site rules and . I
kindly r
Jared Tabor Oct 1, 2008
KudoZ Error messages re KudoZ questions & support ticket Should be back to normal Hi all, I've posted at as well.
Sorry all for the inconvenience. Best
regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Oct 1, 2008 technical support Reply lost Everything should be back to normal now Hello all, There were some server issues
earlier this morning. Everything should be back to
normal now. If anyone is still experiencing
specific problems, please contact me via support<
Jared Tabor Oct 1, 2008 suggestions Don't always want to use the same saved settings for KudoZ Let's try it out Hello again, At
you'll now see two buttons for your searches:
"View questions" and "View questions (and save
settings)". By using the simple "View questions"
Jared Tabor Sep 30, 2008
KudoZ Kudoz Leaders - Are you suppressing the list? (Staff: temporary problem with leaderboard-- Fixed) Fixing Hello all, Thanks for reporting this. The view
at and on the
homepage for KudoZ leaders is being fixed. Best
regards, Jared
Jared Tabor Sep 30, 2008 directory Hijacking of our Proz. profile information by Indian site (Mod: staff are working on it) Copied profiles removed Hello all, The copied profiles have been
removed from the site. The removal of this
material from the search engine cache has also
been requested. Thanks to everyone who reported
Jared Tabor Sep 30, 2008

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