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Search results: (431 matches)
Linguistics Adjectival agreement - Transgender texts Legal As a sworn translator, I would adopt the legal
gender in the civil registry, if the translation
is to be produced before the
administration. Otherwise, I would ask the
person. Gr
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 9, 2016
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) Agree [quote]Katarzyna Slowikova wrote: So one
question is where did they get those names (the 2
people I checked aren't on Proz). Secondly, if
you try to buy "services", it doesn't seem to
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 8, 2016
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) Dear colleagues, Yesterday I saw in Twitter an
account in which they prompted translators to
participate in a translators contest. The
account was @AATIICOM ant their tweet included<
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 8, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: The music I listen to enriches my translation abilities Other Same as Teresa. I love music, but I can't
listen to it while working, because it makes me
"fly", and therefore, stop working.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 3, 2016
Literature / Poetry Help: "soul" into different languages Spanish Alma (fem). Grammar: "el alma" and not *la
alma* because it begins with a stressed "a", just
like "el águila". Greetings.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 3, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you generally write all-figure dates? Spain Hello, dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yy are two of the
ways to express dates in Spanish. Full
explanation in Spanish here -->
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 2, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use the Pomodoro Technique to manage your time? What's the Pomodoro Technique? Never heard of this technique before. I usually
don't do anything but working on the text as soon
as I can, in order to meet the agreed deadline (by
both parties). My motto: "Every sing
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 28, 2016
Translation Theory and Practice Legal Translation vs Financial Translation Differences [quote]ManuelFall wrote: ...which of the two
fields pays more? [/quote] I have never
undertaken financial translations which fall in a
different area at least in Spanish universit
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 25, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: As a sworn translator, have you ever been asked to stamp translations made by others? Melissa [quote]Melissa McMahon wrote: As I understand
it, the stamp means the sworn translator attests
to the accuracy of the translation in relation to
the source document, not that they have
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 24, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: As a sworn translator, have you ever been asked to stamp translations made by others? Noni [quote]Noni Gilbert wrote: ...with options such
as these: Do you think your non-sworn
translations are being used to produce sworn
translations? Have you ever sworn a translation
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 24, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: As a sworn translator, have you ever been asked to stamp translations made by others? Thank you! Thanks everybody for sharing your
opinions. Happy Semana Santa!
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 23, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: As a sworn translator, have you ever been asked to stamp translations made by others? Robert [quote]Robert Forstag wrote: I have to say that
I find such requests ethically unacceptable.
[/quote] I have always had the same opinion.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 23, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: As a sworn translator, have you ever been asked to stamp translations made by others? Mario [quote]Mario Freitas wrote: I'm not a sworn
translator, but I know for sure many translations
I did were stamped by a sworn translator before. I
mean, the client paid me for a regular
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 23, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: As a sworn translator, have you ever been asked to stamp translations made by others? Maxi [quote] What I can do is proofread and correct a
translation, making it mine, thus producing a new
translation. [/quote] Yes, that's the main
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 23, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: As a sworn translator, have you ever been asked to stamp translations made by others? Parrot [quote]Parrot wrote: Sworn translations are
used in documents passing through diplomatic
channels. That's why consulates can do the
equivalent certification. The Spanish office
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 23, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: As a sworn translator, have you ever been asked to stamp translations made by others? Helen [quote]Helen Hagon wrote: I was recently asked
if I would certify a translation in a language
pair which I don't have. I said no, and offered
some contact details for other translators
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 23, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: As a sworn translator, have you ever been asked to stamp translations made by others? Teresa [quote]Teresa Borges wrote: but when I was
(from 1986 until 2010) I was asked quite often to
stamp translations done by others and I always
refused (as far as I know in Belgium is
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 23, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: As a sworn translator, have you ever been asked to stamp translations made by others? Yes [quote]Doan Quang wrote: [quote]Susana E. Cano
Méndez wrote: So you pay for the Notary's
stamp on the translation and you get paid for the
whole work (translation and Notary's stamp
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 23, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: As a sworn translator, have you ever been asked to stamp translations made by others? Notary [quote]Doan Quang wrote: What I usually do is
to take hard copies of translations, a statement
of accuracy together with a notarised copy of my
translation degree to a Notary Public off
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 23, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: As a sworn translator, have you ever been asked to stamp translations made by others? Sworn translators [quote]neilmac wrote: However, I know this is
common practice among some colleagues in Spain. As
long as the translation is faithful to the
original and of an acceptable standard, I don
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 23, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: As a sworn translator, have you ever been asked to stamp translations made by others? You are Doan, you are if this is official in your
country. I have passed an exam in Spain, after
which I have been granted a Sworn Translator
diploma; but in other countries, such as France
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 23, 2016
Spanish Ayuda para determinar un presupuesto Respuesta Hola, Manuel. Si solo te piden unas páginas y
no otras, en principio no parece que las quieran
juradas (por el momento). Pero sí se puede
hacer una traducción jurada de un documen
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 21, 2016
Legal Personally or not? Attorney [quote]abyra wrote: Defendant personally
appeared in this action by his attorney
[/quote] Maybe the attorney and the defendant
were there side by side? Merriam-Webster's:
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 15, 2016
KudoZ Why do people who have been on Proz for over 10 years continue to hide behind silly screen names? Professional Hello. As for me, there is no point in hiding
my real name, as I am an experienced professional,
relatively known, so stating my real name will
only lead to more good references and mor
Susana E. Cano Méndez Mar 1, 2016
Business issues Services de Traduction My translation service Hello, in my translation service, I offer the
following : - Previous reading and evaluation
of the text. - Translation of the text. -
Revision 1: translation is correct and complete
Susana E. Cano Méndez Feb 28, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: I classify the assignments in my work folder by Years / clients Hello, I classify them by year and then by
client. Greetings.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Feb 26, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Being a freelancer, would you support (or have you supported) a general strike against austerity? Yes I did in the past and I would, because austerity
means less expenses form governments and,
therefore, less translations from them. This also
means less employments, less circulation of mon
Susana E. Cano Méndez Feb 21, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: What was your first translation project about? Other It was a book by Jean-Jacques Rousseau! I was 18
or 19 years old and I was paid for it :)
Susana E. Cano Méndez Feb 10, 2016
French Un cas malheureux de révision Incroyable [quote]Arnaud HERVE wrote: En ce qui concerne
mon aventure, l'avis du spécialiste a tourné en
ma faveur. Je n'avais fait que 2 erreurs mineures,
et la révision était inqualifiable p
Susana E. Cano Méndez Feb 9, 2016
Fun with language 'strange' in your language Spanish: raro / extraño Hello, there are two words in Spanish: Raro
(rare), from lat. rarus. Extraño (ood, strange),
from lat. extraneus (stranger). Cheers!
Susana E. Cano Méndez Feb 3, 2016
Spanish Operador intercomunitario, IRPF? IVA? Depende de tu situación [quote]saturos wrote: Podrían indicarme cuanto
dinero seria esa retención del IRPF? Alguno me
dicen que el 20% otros me dicen que menos, y otros
me dicen que directamente no me tendr�
Susana E. Cano Méndez Feb 1, 2016
Translation Theory and Practice If the translation will not be completed... Done by several translators Hello :) I would say that your example is not
an incomplete translation, but a translation done
by several translators (in a team or not). This
can be done ***only if*** the first trans
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 25, 2016
Translation Theory and Practice Translating stamps that prove payment of a monetary value Spain Hello, RLL2866. I'm a sworn translator in Spain
(FR>ES). I use to "translate" these stamps
writing all the information they
contain: [stamp: payment fee] 1000
pesos Universi
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 22, 2016
Translation Theory and Practice Your Soundtrack to Translation No music [quote]Dan Lucas wrote: Typically I played
natural sounds that are similar to white noise -
all[/url] or
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 22, 2016
Spanish Correcciones abusivas Sinónimos [quote]Irène Guinez wrote: Por mucho que les
demuestre que 80% (de verdad) de las correcciones
son sinónimos, nunca me
escuchan. [/quote] Hola Irène. En cuanto
a los s
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 17, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Cobrar por Paypal OK [quote]Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote: En mi caso
lo acepto como un mal menor. Las comisiones
bancarias han sido y son parte de cualquier
negocio y no creo que a los clientes les gustase<
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 13, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Cobrar por Paypal Karolina [quote]Karolina Blachucka wrote: Hola
Susana Cobro una gran parte de mis facturas a
través de PayPal y es un sistema más de recibir
el dinero. Para muchos clientes como las agencia
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 13, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Cobrar por Paypal OK, me sirve de mucho [quote]Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote: Cobro por
Paypal más o menos el 10% de mi trabajo y no hay
ninguna implicación fiscal en particular.
Fiscalmente es como cualquier cuenta bancaria
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 13, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Cobrar por Paypal Gracias Philippe [quote]Philippe Etienne wrote: [quote]Susana E.
Cano Méndez wrote: ...Desearía saber si hay
alguna implicación fiscal que deba tener en
cuenta...[/quote] Envio cada trimestre (poco
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 13, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Cobrar por Paypal Buenos días. Hace muchos años que utilizo
Paypal para pagar, pero nunca lo he utilizado para
cobrar mis traducciones. Tampoco sé si es común
en España cobrar con este servicio, al
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 13, 2016
Spanish traducción jurada - sellos superpuestos Hola Hola, Moni. Yo suelo decirlo entre corchetes.
Ejemplo: [sello] Dirección General
de... [sello superpuesto al anterior]
Departamento de... Si por estar superpuestos,
alguno e
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jan 2, 2016
Spanish Sad news for the Spanish ProZ community RIP Sad news... I've been here only for two years
now, but enough to know Henry was this kind of
translator everyone admires. May he rest in
Susana E. Cano Méndez Dec 25, 2015 job systems Updating BB entries The same [quote]Gudrun Wolfrath wrote: In this case I
could only add that I have been paid meanwhile
thanks to my lawyer. My rating would not change,
of course. [/quote] I changed one BB entry
Susana E. Cano Méndez Dec 23, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: For translation projects, how do you usually charge? Per target word... ... because, especially if the translation is a
certified/sworn one (but non only), target text
increases the amount of words at least in 10% in
my pairs. If a customer asks me to get pai
Susana E. Cano Méndez Dec 11, 2015
Legal Spanish Law Question (Catalonia) Autonomía Hello Jim. This law is an autonomic one: "el
Parlamento de Cataluña ha aprobado y yo, en
nombre del Rey y de acuerdo con lo que establece
el artículo 65 del Estatuto de autonomí
Susana E. Cano Méndez Dec 7, 2015
Internet for translators Termium Plus : ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE !!! It works Hello Anne. It works for me. I'm in Spain, just
in case this makes a difference. Have a good
Susana E. Cano Méndez Dec 3, 2015 Translator Coop You may receive job notifications from companies using the translation center powered by Thank you Thank you Enrique, it sounds much better than some
other online platforms: Ihave translated for TWB
and I have to say that working in this platform is
easy and fast. Regards.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Dec 2, 2015
French Véritable traduction déguisée en test ? J'accepterais Bonsoir, Helga. Tout d'abord, il s'agit d'un
test payé, ce qui n'est pas toujours le cas; en
deuxième lieu, un e-mail tient lieu de commande
officielle, au moins en Espagne, òu
Susana E. Cano Méndez Nov 28, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever been deeply affected by a translation you worked on? Yes While translating for TWB a user manual on
wheelchairs for poor people. I learnt a lot about
other people's needs and sufferings. It touched
Susana E. Cano Méndez Nov 28, 2015
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Almacenamiento seguro y custodia de archivos informáticos ¡Gracias! [quote]Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote: En mi
caso, solo uso la nube para copias de seguridad
(encriptadas) de mi servidor, como respaldo por si
se me estropeasen las copias de seguridad f
Susana E. Cano Méndez Nov 25, 2015

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