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Search results: (431 matches)
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Agencia revisa y corrige test de traducción O_O Puf [quote]Michael Newton wrote: I have my own war
story about word choice. I once translated a long
legal document from Japanese. The agency informed
me that the client had complained ab
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jun 15, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Agencia revisa y corrige test de traducción O_O [Perdón por lo largo del post] Buenas
tardes. Hace quizás unas semanas, contesté a
un trabajo de Proz y se me propuso hacer un test
de traducción; no tuve inconveniente y lo hice
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jun 14, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Mostly, you would like your clients to understand... Other My main concern, being a sworn translator, is that
some agencies don't realise that they can't tell
me what to put as a translation ("our customer
doesn't like 'investigado/inculpado' but<
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jun 13, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: When did you register at Interesting New members seem to decrease on 2013-2015. Let's
wait a bit, but surely it's a thing to be
Susana E. Cano Méndez Jun 9, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Conseguir contratos públicos con documentación falseada es posible España Es terrible. ¿Qué podemos decir? Que se atenta
contra todo: el erario público, los derechos de
los declarantes, los derechos laborales, la
dignidad profesional... Seguro que me dejo<
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 29, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España ¡Empiezan las rebajas de traducciones juradas! Sin comentarios [quote]Natalia Makeeva
1383 [/quote] Para qué vamos a comentarlo.
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 20, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever entrusted a third-party mailing service to send out your CV? I don't understand [quote]Julian Holmes wrote: The CVs I have got
have obviously been entrusted to a third party
because they are addressed to 'undisclosed
recipients'. Grumble
grumble... [/quote
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 20, 2016
TM-Town Help localize TM-Town TY [quote]Kevin Dias wrote: Immediately/instantly
no; however, once a language is finished/finalized
as part of that process it will be added to your
account so that you will be discoverab
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 19, 2016
TM-Town Help localize TM-Town Info [quote]Kevin Dias wrote: Once a language is
finished we will work on QA and then release it
(and open source any resulting TMs/glossaries for
translators to download if they so
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 19, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España ¡Empiezan las rebajas de traducciones juradas! JAJA [quote] Para eso ni se presentaban. A mí
también me gustaría comprar un palacio en
Ávila, junto a la muralla, por 3000 euros. No
sé, para vreanear o algo así, pero no hay.
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 18, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España ¡Empiezan las rebajas de traducciones juradas! Salvajismo tarifario [quote]Isabelle D wrote: Tienen una página web
donde puedes pedir presupuestos en línea, puse
datos inventados de una empresa que quería una
traducción con características parecida
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 18, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España ¡Empiezan las rebajas de traducciones juradas! Ah [quote]Natalia Makeeva wrote: Parece que
enviaron este correo en masa a muchos
traductores-intérpretes jurados de la lista (de
inglés y francés). En Facebook han corrido ríos
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 18, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España ¡Empiezan las rebajas de traducciones juradas! Ni [quote]neilmac wrote: ¿Tres dichosos céntimos
por traducción jurada? Ni en pintura.
[/quote] ¡Ni por una sin jurar!
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 18, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España ¡Empiezan las rebajas de traducciones juradas! Mi caso [quote]Beatriz Rodriguez wrote: ¿Cómo
consiguen clientes y agencias que accedan a pagar
las tarifas que corresponden? ¿Puede tener algo
que ver el hecho de que soy de un país
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 18, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España ¡Empiezan las rebajas de traducciones juradas! No es el caso [quote]Merab Dekano wrote: Es una situación
peliaguda, estoy de acuerdo. Cuando has colaborado
con un cliente durante muchos años y te pone
tamaña zancadilla, lo que el cuerpo te pid
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 18, 2016
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España ¡Empiezan las rebajas de traducciones juradas! Buenas tardes. Acabo de recibir esto en mi
correo: "Buenos días Susana, Nos dirigimos
a Vd. para comunicarle que estamos actualizando
nuestra base de datos de traductores jurado
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 17, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Which social network is making a professional impact for you? Proz I have tried Facebook (with personal wall and a
group), LinkedIn (with a "perfect" profile) and
Twitter (twitting at right hours etc.), and never
got a client from there. I only maintain t
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 8, 2016
Legal The Jumbled Mexican Civil Procedure Code Legalese I feel the same about French and USA or UK
laws. Legalese is not clearly written in any
country, specially if the texts are old or
outdated. I have found this (check it, who
Susana E. Cano Méndez May 7, 2016 Translator Coop Complimentary TM-Town membership for members Thanks [quote]Kevin Dias wrote: Hi Susana, Are you
using Windows? If so, please see the Windows
Install Guide at the bottom of this page. On
Windows, you will need to first install an
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 28, 2016 Translator Coop Complimentary TM-Town membership for members @Kevin Hello, I have just downloaded TM-Town Desktop
Application 2.0.0 but an error message appears
telling me to contact my provider :). What can
be done? Thanks
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 27, 2016
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) :) [quote]Katarzyna Slowikova wrote: "Criterias"
are also
form Unless they mean you need to have some
mental diagnosis to want to be
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 25, 2016
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) Now [quote]liviu roth wrote: I think that British
ColUmbia is correct. Let's not overdo it!
[/quote] They have changed it of course ;). We
cant post here pictures or am I wrong?
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 25, 2016
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) Columbia / Colombia They are not even able to spell "British Columbia"
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 22, 2016
Scams Agency asking to pay them $20 Ok [quote]jyuan_us wrote: 1. The company will
reimburse the translator for the amount to be
spent;[/quote] They say... [quote]jyuan_us
wrote: 2. It is not only a basic preventive
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 22, 2016
Scams Agency asking to pay them $20 ? [quote]Yakov Katsman wrote: "You will have to
do a basic background check for which we
will reimburse you. Its done online and cost
approx. $20.00. At the end of the check, you will
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 22, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do your rates differ depending on project size? Agree [quote]Mario Freitas wrote: When the fruit
seller gives you an extra apple, he is not
computing the price of that apple (if he is
commercially mature); he is computing the
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 21, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: If available, do you use the localized version of in your native language? No I'm spanish but I like to stay in touch with my
foreign languages (FR and EN). I learn new
vocabulary from webpages that is very important
for some translations (e-commerce and so).
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 21, 2016
Spanish Cuidado, estafa ... Test [quote]Mala_7 wrote: Le adjunto un texto de
debe traducir del RUSO al CASTELLANO. Se debe
traducir absolutamente todo y debe incluir
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 20, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do your rates differ depending on project size? Yes [quote]Mario Freitas wrote: Fully agree with
Susana and Neilmac, and done it several times
fully satisfying the client and myself. One of the
reasons why I have long logn and good good<
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 19, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do your rates differ depending on project size? Your ethics [quote]Mario Chavez wrote: No old-school
marketing schmarketing. Many times, 50 words take
as much translating effort as 500 words. If you
are in the habit of throwing your good work an
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 19, 2016
Translation Theory and Practice Back translation not matching, how to indicate? What I would do Hello. I think [sic] would suffice, in my
opinion. You can also add a note, as some
colleagues have already suggested (not very long,
though: "the English version adds the word
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 18, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do your rates differ depending on project size? Marketing [quote]neilmac wrote: For my best clients, I'm
not averse to doing the odd
freebie...[/quote] Yes, I also do
this. Along with discounts for my best clients
AND a minimum fare,
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 18, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do your rates differ depending on project size? YES! [quote]Ty Kendall wrote: [quote]Susana E. Cano
Méndez wrote: No but... I offer a discount if
the client reaches a certain amount of words.
[/quote] So...yes? [/quote] LOL. OK,
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 18, 2016
Spanish Cuidado, estafa ... Gracias [quote]Mala_7 wrote: el e-mail que utilizan
ahora es [email protected] la web que
facilitan es la
siguiente: da
tos de contacto: LOW COS
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 18, 2016
French Tarifs ES > FR versus ENG > FR Tarifs agences Bonjour. Il ne faut pas oublier d'abord que les
tarifs proposés sur son le résultat
d'une moyenne des tarifs des professonnels du
site. Ceci dit, en Espagne, les prix que
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 18, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do your rates differ depending on project size? No, but... ... I offer a discount if the client reaches a
certain amount of words.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 18, 2016
French Traduction d'un livre à titre privé? Problème [quote]CG Demaret wrote: Pour revenir de
manière concrète sur ce sur quoi Sheila et
Adrien ont mis le doigt : on vous propose de
traduire 275 et 441 pages, soit 716 pages au
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 18, 2016
French site . En effet. Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 17, 2016
Spanish Me deja estupefacto... Detalles Hola, me uno a la discusión un poco para decir lo
que pienso. 1. Los Cano somos más primos entre
nosotros que lo que pensamos :). 2. Kudoz es
útil: - para subir en el ránking
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 17, 2016
French Traduction d'un livre à titre privé? Un de mes clients Bonjour, Julie. Je travaille en Espagne. Un
de mes clients veut des traductions de livres
très spécialisés pour son usage particulier. Il
s'agit de livres qui ne sont plus publié
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 17, 2016
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) Quality Just checking the landing page in Spanish: rubbish
from Google Translate, in my opinion, not human
Spanish. Why, if they have access to 100,000
translators all over the world?

Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 15, 2016
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) Server down The server seems to be down right now. Service
Unavailable HTTP Error 503. The service is
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 15, 2016
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) Sevilla [quote]DLyons wrote: AATII is at: #300-5900
No. 3 Road, Richmond BC, V6X 3P7 Vancouver,
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 15, 2016
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) Blogs [quote]K Interestingly, they have quite a few
articles in their "blog". [/quote] I see in
Twitter that they are sharing other translators
posts. Hm.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 15, 2016
French site AATII [quote]Carla Guerreiro wrote: Bonjour à
tous, J'ai trouvé ce site dans un groupe sur
Facebook. Une base de traducteurs et
d'interprètes qui apparemment a été composée
de ge
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 15, 2016
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) My name [quote]Catherine V. Howard wrote: ** I urge
other members to check if their identity
has been stolen by this outfit as well. **
[/quote] I have just checked, my name is
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 15, 2016
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) WOW [quote]Catherine V. Howard wrote: Alerted by
this thread to the questionable nature of this
contest and the "Alliance" (elsewhere called
itself "Association") of Applied Translators and
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 14, 2016
Scams Swindler in Morocco ? Some means Hello, FredericD. I'm so sorry to hear
this. Living in France, what you can do is this
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 14, 2016
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) True [quote]Katarzyna Slowikova wrote: Ask yourself
where else you've registered as a translator, with
your email. [/quote] True, Katarzyna.
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 14, 2016
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) Fishy [quote]Clare Bentley wrote: I've just had an
email from them, inviting me to take part in this
'competition.' It sounded odd, so I googled, and
the first link brought me here! So it
Susana E. Cano Méndez Apr 14, 2016

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