Service provider
5 positive reviews
chase he
Chinese to English
English to Chinese

Others' feedback about this service provider

Date From Feedback
Apr 23 Tomedes
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Exceptional work! The translator delivered precise and polished results promptly. Impressed with their linguistic skills and attention to detail. We look forward to another successful project with you.
May 19, 2021 Identity VerifiedJoern Gaedcke
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Quick, good work. Good communication
Reply: Thanks Joern, it's very kind of you to take the time to enter your valued feedback here. truly appreciate it!
Jun 9, 2015 Identity VerifiedMaxhund
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Sep 15, 2008 Identity VerifiedJoachim Koehler
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Dec 14, 2006 AETS
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes

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