Service provider
7 positive reviews
(5 unidentified)
Diogo Pinheiro
English to Portuguese
French to Portuguese

Others' feedback about this service provider

Date From Feedback
Aug 12, 2021 Elodie Rousset, VoxHub Consulting
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Diogo is professional, reactive and communicates well. His work is well presented and punctual.
Reply: Thank you, Elodie. I wish you success in your projects.
Jul 8, 2021 Identity VerifiedTereza Rae
Relationship: colleague
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: I met Diogo at the Brazilian Teacher Training program in 2019 in Canada. I was impressed with his work habits and the enlightened contributions he made to our discussions, both in ENG and in PORT.
Reply: It was a remarkable experience in my life, and you contributed a lot to it.
Jun 29, 2021 Nadia Serique, SEMED-Macapá
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Conheci o Diogo Pinheiro no Programa de Desenvolvimento Profissional de Professores da Educação Básica no Canadá em 2019. Na ocasião, ele se destacou por falar fluentemente o idioma (inglês) e nos ajudar em diversos contextos. Excelente profissional!
Reply: Thank you, Nadia! I wish we had others experiences like that.
Jun 26, 2021 Anna Cláudia Bello Pellegrini, Fisk
Relationship: colleague
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: He was my student some years ago and stood out in class for his amazing ability to learn, communicate and help classmates. He was also a monitor helping students' developnent and practcing oral activities.
Reply: Thank you, Anna Cláudia! Your accurate lessons were essential to my professional development.
Jun 26, 2021 Maria Sarmento, IFPA
Relationship: colleague
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: I studied with Diogo at Niagara College Canada in 2019 and after our project proposals in Portuguese were selected among many others, we had to translate them for a seminar presentation in English. We did a great job!
Reply: Thank you, Maria! It was an honor to work with you!
Jun 17, 2021 Hellen Angélica da Silva Almeida, Cefet-Rio
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Comprehensive analysis, I recommend the service. I sent a project in the area of education and got a great result.
Reply: Thank you, Hellen! I hope I can help you as soon as you need it again.
Jun 17, 2021 Charles Eleotério Gama, Universidad de Salamanca
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: It was a great choice to work with Diogo, once he has frequently been helping me with my academic articles. He's very atemptive. His editions are pretty qualified and is not afraid of exchanging ideas for better results.
Reply: Thank you, Charles, for your feedback. It's been a pleasure to help you.

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