Service provider
3 positive reviews
(3 unidentified)
Rebecca MacKian
Italian to English

Others' feedback about this service provider

Date From Feedback
Oct 28, 2016 Andrea Calisti, Studio Calisti
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Rebecca has done an excellent job translating documents to be submitted to The European Union. She is competent, reliable and punctual.
Oct 28, 2016 Giovanni Castellani, Fondazione Nazionale Dottori Commercialisti
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Rebecca has always provided the Fondazione Nazionale Commercialisti with a very good service. She is a competent translator with a thorough understanding of any subject related to finance. I have no hesitation in recommending her.
Oct 22, 2016 Leonardo Bellatti
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Rebecca è una traduttrice estremamente competente ed esperta nel settore finanziario e legale. Il suo background come Chartered Accountant è un plus che le permette di tradurre con sicurezza, professionalità e puntualità testi e documentazione per i settori finanziari e legali. La raccomando sicuramente.

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