Service provider
4 positive reviews
(4 unidentified)
Darya Gunay
English to Russian
English to Ukrainian

Others' feedback about this service provider

Date From Feedback
Sep 29, 2016 Rosen Marinov, World Trade Organization
Relationship: colleague
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Darya assisted in the preparation of two reports on trade-related economic policies (Ukraine and Moldova). Her work included research & translation from Ukrainian/Russian to English. Her fluency in these three languages was very helpful.
Sep 23, 2016 Leon Saltiel, UN Watch
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Darya volunteered her interpretation service for a human rights organization I direct. She interpreted English to Russian and back for Russian-speaking human rights activists, for a press conference, TV and newspaper interviews. She was very efficient, under a very stressful and demanding environment. I highly recommend her.
Sep 22, 2016 Artem Oleynichenko, MobiDev
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Darya translated my CV from Russian into English. She literally transformed it – it was not only word-to-word translation but adaptation to the English speaking job market. I wouldn’t be able to figure out how to translate my titles in English and how to structure my experiences. Now I have a job with a local representative office of British company.
May 17, 2016 Katya Voloschenko
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes

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