Service provider
18 positive reviews
(1 unidentified)
Sabrina Bruna
English to Italian (0.12/wd, 28.00/hr eur)
French to Italian (0.12/wd, 28.00/hr eur)

Others' feedback about this service provider

Date From Feedback
Nov 3, 2022 Identity VerifiedTradu24
BB: Tradu24
Avg. LWA: 5 (4 entries)
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Reply: Many thanks for your positive feedback!
May 3, 2022 Adriana Rojas Ponson
BB: Fluido Traduction - Adriana Rojas Ponson
Avg. LWA: 5 (37 entries)
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Sabrina is very reliable and friendly. I will definitely work with her again.
Reply: Many thanks, Adriana! It was a great pleasure to collaborate with you.
Jan 16, 2021 translayte
BB: Translayte
Avg. LWA: 4.9 (233 entries)
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: We are pleased with her delivery and wish to continue working with her. Definitely recommended.
Reply: Thank you for your positive feedback, I am ready for new projects.
Apr 29, 2020 Petra Lueers
BB: Merle & Sheppard Language Consulting GbR
Avg. LWA: 4.6 (5 entries)
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: We are happy to work with Sabrina! An excellent and highly professional translator. Always on time and highly accurate. It's a pleasure to work with her. Thank you Sabrina!
Reply: Thank you, Petra, for your positive feedback. I appreciate working with you and your company.
Apr 29, 2020 Lesley Brühn
BB: Merle & Sheppard Language Consulting GbR
Avg. LWA: 4.6 (5 entries)
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Reply: Thank you for your positive feedback, I look forward to working with you again.
Apr 17, 2020
Apr 16, 2020)
Identity VerifiedEttore Peyrot
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Punctual, precise, and responding. It's a pleasure working with her
Reply: Thank you for your positive feedback, I look forward to working with you again.
Dec 26, 2017 Identity VerifiedAnnika Neudecker
Relationship: colleague
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Thank you, Sabrina! It was really lovely working with you. I appreciate your help and your getting back to me on such short notice (before Christmas!) even though you were sick! Grazie mille!!!
Reply: Dear Annika, it was my pleasure to e-meet and collaborate with you!
Aug 2, 2017 Identity VerifiedSally Quinn
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Reply: Thank you, Sally, I would be glad to work with you again.
Jan 31, 2017 lingohorizon
BB: Lingo Horizon Ltd.
Avg. LWA: 5 (1 entry)
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Reply: Thank you for your positive comment, I am looking forward to working with you again!
May 9, 2016 Identity VerifiedGiorgia Milani
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Sabrina è una traduttrice affidabile, rapida e precisa.
Nov 19, 2015 Identity VerifiedMila B
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Very quick, efficient and friendly, pleasure to work with. Thank you Sabrina! Will definitely work with you again.
Reply: Thank you for your positive feedback; I will be glad to work with you soon.
May 20, 2015 Identity VerifiedVitali Loginov
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Working with Sabrina was a pleasure, we would strongly recommend her to any person or company. We worked with Sabrina within Italian-English translation project but we are sure she is professional in other combinations too. Thank you!
Mar 12, 2015 Linda Cai, / Pte Ltd
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: Good communication, fast reply and high quality translation. Pleased o work with.
Feb 6, 2015
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Comment: The translation is fast and accurately. Very pleasant to work with.
Reply: Thanks, it is my pleasure to work with you.
Oct 14, 2014 TermTron
BB: TermTron
Avg. LWA: 5 (16 entries)
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Jul 16, 2014 Chandra Beaty
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Jun 6, 2014 Montatip, TIS Translation
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Reply: Thank you for your positive feedback, I look forward to working with you again.
Dec 16, 2013 Giuseppe Rossi
Relationship: outsourcer
Willing to work with again: Yes
Reply: Thanks, Giuseppe, I look forward to working with you again

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