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Wikiwords presentation (Development)
Posted by Colin Brady at 5:42pm Aug 30, 2006
Hi Everyone,

As many of you may already know, ProZ.com hosted its fourth conference in Buenos Aires this past weekend. About 300 users of the site from 26 countries registered for the conference. The entire ProZ.com staff was in attendance. Pictures from the conference can be found here.

During the conference Henry and I presented on Wikiwords. You can download the presentation below.

Wikiwords presentation (206 KB)
Format: Open Office presentation (.odp)

You can download OpenOffice.org here
Help Wikiwords! (Development)
Posted by Colin Brady at 4:03pm Aug 11, 2006
Someone has submitted Wikiwords to reddit.com, which is a community driven site where users submit articles and vote for the best ones. The more votes an article gets, the more publicity it gets. So if you want to help Wikiwords get some publicity, vote for us! :)
New closed collection feature (Development)
Posted by Colin Brady at 10:07pm Aug 8, 2006
Hi Everyone,

You can now restrict who is allowed to edit your collections.

Concepts that are in a collection that is "closed" are now only editable by the owner and a select few. This, however, only holds true for concepts within the collection that were created by the owner, or someone from the select few.

Concepts that are in a collection that is "open" are always editable by everyone.

Regardless whether the collection is "open" or "closed", you may choose whether others can view the collection in it's entirety.

An example of a "closed" collection that you should not be able to edit can be found here.

Best Regards,
Base language (Development)
Posted by Colin Brady at 6:16pm Jul 18, 2006
Today I have made a fairly significant change to the site. Each concept has been assigned a "base language". It is now required that each concept have a definition in it's base language before content in other languages can be added.

For now, all of the concepts in Wikiwords have English as the base language. This will be editable in the future.

More updates coming soon!

Collections (Development)
Posted by Colin Brady at 8:55pm Jul 12, 2006
Just a few small updates.

You can now sort collections by term, as well as entry date.

Also, you can now specify a source and target language of a collection. This changes the way a collection looks when viewed.
Item flagging (Development)
Posted by Colin Brady at 8:50pm Jul 10, 2006
I have just added the ability to "flag" a certain item (terms, definitions and example sentences) with a brief message. The point of this is to bring a particular item to the attention of other Wikiwords' users.

To flag an item, click the edit icon () next to an item, select "Flag", and enter a brief reason for flagging the item.

To remove a flag, click the X icon () that is next to the flag icon (). You must have the language of the item listed in your profile.
Concept images (Development)
Posted by Colin Brady at 3:26pm Jul 7, 2006
You should now be able to add images to concepts by clicking the "add resource" link found on the right side of the concept page. Please do NOT add any images that you do not have the right to distribute.

Also, the concept splitting bug should be fixed.
Contributions (Development)
Posted by Colin Brady at 6:12pm Jul 6, 2006
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to make a note here that your contributions will NOT be deleted from the database at the end of the beta period. However, that is not to say other users will not edit your entries. :)

Also, I updated the add/import page to allow users to enter sources for definitions and example sentences.

More updates coming soon!

Adding terms (Development)
Posted by Colin Brady at 10:10pm Jun 23, 2006
I have posted an improved version of the add/import form. I added the autocomplete feature so users can easily tell if the concept they are adding is already in the database for a particular language.

More coming soon!
Autocomplete feature (Development)
Posted by Colin Brady at 6:20pm Jun 9, 2006
Today I added an autocomplete feature to the search box. When searching for a term, first select a source language, then begin typing. Once you have typed 3-letters, you should see that the system lists some suggestions right below the search box. To choose a selection, simply click it.

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