Job closed
This job was closed at Aug 14, 2024 01:50 GMT.

EN<>German Interpreter, Virtual, Special Education

Job posted at: Aug 6, 2024 19:58 GMT   (GMT: Aug 6, 2024 19:58)

Job type: Interpreting Job
Service required: Interpreting, Consecutive

Languages: English to German

Job description:
English<>German interpreter
Virtual via Google Meet/Zoom
Subject: Special Education, School Meeting, Student Evaluation
Date: TBD

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Poster country: United States

Service provider targeting (specified by job poster):
info Preferred specific fields: Education / Pedagogy
info Required native language: German
Subject field: Education / Pedagogy
info Required quoter location: United States
Quoting deadline: Aug 14, 2024 01:50 GMT
About the outsourcer:
This job was posted by a Business member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Contact person title: President

Quotes received: 1 (Job closed)