Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 18 '01 fra>eng os (help with medical reading) orally pro closed ok
4 Jun 20 '01 fra>eng bradycardie bradycardia pro closed no
- Dec 13 '00 fra>eng angioscintigraphie cardiaque scintiphotography of the coronary arteries pro closed no
2 Dec 11 '00 fra>eng zone cardio-tubérositaire protrusion in the area of the opening of the stomach, which is the same as hiatal hernia. pro closed no
- Dec 10 '00 fra>eng hydroxyde d'alluminium colloidal aluminum hydroxide gel, light magnesium carbonate, amorphous precipitated silica hydrate pro closed no
- Oct 10 '00 fra>eng circuit satellite ligure marées, courants de mer=tide and current pro closed ok
- Oct 10 '00 fra>eng site de secours utilisateurs secure site -- hosting pro closed ok
- Oct 8 '00 fra>eng retour du sang to reduce the interference of the blood return pro closed no
- Oct 7 '00 fra>eng petites madeleines de Proust roasted marshmallows pro closed no
- Oct 6 '00 fra>eng syndromes de dysfonctionnement dysfunctional syndromes/ syndromes of impairement pro closed ok
2 Oct 5 '00 fra>eng médio veineuse medio is the same in English pro closed no
- Oct 1 '00 fra>eng preautorisations/avis de preautorisation pre-authorizations, pre-authorization notice pro closed no
4 Sep 29 '00 fra>eng amibiase amebiasis or amoebiasis pro closed no
4 Sep 29 '00 fra>eng loase loiasis or loaiasis pro closed no
4 Sep 29 '00 fra>eng bilharziose bilharziasis pro closed no
4 Sep 29 '00 fra>eng nemaodose nematodosis or nematodiasis pro closed no
- Sep 27 '00 fra>eng Wobulation??? pro closed ok
4 Sep 27 '00 fra>eng luetique/luetisme luetic, luetism pro closed no
- Sep 26 '00 fra>eng purement indicatives purely as indicators/as indications pro closed no
- Sep 22 '00 fra>eng Reposting : Le Signataire... the signatory pro closed no
- Sep 13 '00 fra>eng troisieme audience des sites Internet see below pro closed no
- Sep 5 '00 fra>eng dossier conception-redaction see below pro closed no
4 Sep 4 '00 fra>eng Ducs de Bourgogne see below pro closed no
- Aug 30 '00 fra>eng prevaloir see below pro closed no
- Aug 12 '00 fra>eng agitateur à helices à grande vitesse de rotation see below pro open no
Asked | Open questions | Answered