Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Mar 6 '17 fas>eng دور از ذهن unimaginable; unthinkable; inconceivable; unconceived pro closed ok
- Feb 10 '17 fas>eng تداخل زمانی coincidence pro closed no
4 Oct 26 '14 fas>eng اکران فیلم screen pro closed ok
- Dec 16 '12 eng>fas disapproving observation to make اما همچنان نظر مخالفی داشت که باید می‌گفت pro closed no
4 Nov 1 '11 fas>eng ظرفیت‌های نمایشی cinematic potentials/capacities pro closed ok
- Dec 13 '10 fas>eng ترنابازی the game of breechcloth pro closed ok
- Dec 3 '10 eng>fas for my own good بیش از حد pro closed ok
4 Aug 3 '10 eng>fas sarcastic remark (اینقدر) به من طعنه نزنس pro closed ok
- Aug 1 '10 eng>fas Keyring جاکلیدی/دسته کلید pro closed ok
4 Jul 24 '10 eng>fas remission of part of a sentence عفو خوردم pro closed ok
- Jul 19 '10 fas>eng سر از جایی در آوردن end up in somewhere pro closed ok
- Jul 17 '10 eng>fas Don't add fuel to the fire! هيزم تو آتيش ما نريز! pro closed ok
4 Jan 23 '10 fas>eng به نوعی قصد انتقام Somehow take revenge on ... pro closed ok
- Aug 20 '09 eng>fas A need to pull your own weight باید گلیم خودت را از آب بکشی pro closed ok
4 Aug 20 '09 eng>fas take a stand موضع گرفتن / موضع گیری کردن pro closed ok
- Sep 20 '08 eng>fas culture jammers منتقدان فرهنگی / منتقدان فرهنگ مدرن pro closed no
- Sep 20 '08 eng>fas shock jock گوینده اراجیف/چرند و پرند pro closed ok
- Sep 3 '08 eng>fas extra-terrestrial landing فرود فرازمینی ها pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered