Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 22 '22 ara>eng حلويات الشرقية والغربية Eastern and Western sweets pro open no
- Aug 25 '19 eng>ita Dippers cucchiaio da miele pro closed ok
- Mar 14 '19 ita>eng per creare favorevoli condizioni psicologiche to provide favorable psychological conditions pro closed ok
- Dec 13 '17 eng>ita Put it in moulds, justling it well down on the knee mettendolo a posto sul ginocchio pro closed ok
- Oct 25 '17 eng>ara pilots and burners الأجهزة الدليلية وعيون التسخين pro closed ok
4 Jul 2 '15 eng>ara Pan dulce خبز PAN DULCE الحلو pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered