Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 25 '22 eng>ara Charging feedback loop شحن الدارات المرتدة easy closed ok
- Sep 24 '22 eng>ara open circuited طلمبة ذات دائرة مفتوحة easy closed no
- Mar 29 '21 eng>ara top crown أعمال البكرات العلوية easy closed ok
4 Sep 28 '20 ita>eng ESCAVATORISTA excavator operator easy closed no
- Feb 18 '20 eng>ara Post Head فتيل ثابت لتثبيت ورفع الشدة عن الأرض easy closed no
- Nov 7 '19 eng>ita ventilation ventilazione easy closed ok
4 Jan 5 '19 ara>eng مغذي مقابل له بينهما نقطة فتح تشغيلية an opposite voltage feeder and a normal open point between them easy closed no
4 Jan 3 '19 ara>eng في أصله أو تفاصيل تنفيذه in origin or as regards the details of the implementation thereof. easy closed no
- Nov 13 '18 eng>ara Shift access panel "shift access panel" easy just_closed no
- Nov 6 '18 eng>ara PRELIMINARIES الخطوات التمهيدية easy closed ok
- Oct 28 '18 eng>ara NO POWER & SIGNAL CABLES TOGETHER كابل بلا قوى وكابل الإشارة معًا easy closed no
4 Sep 30 '18 eng>ara when all else fails, resort to stupidity عندما يفشل كل شيء، إلجأ لارتكاب الحماقات easy closed ok
4 Sep 20 '18 eng>ara out of 205 perpetual licenses 107 من أصل 205 ترخيص easy closed no
1 Mar 9 '18 eng>ita metric credo che sia si easy closed no
- Jan 11 '17 eng>ara clay ملاط easy just_closed no
- Oct 23 '16 eng>ita phone system sistema del telefono easy closed ok
- Dec 10 '14 eng>ara lithium lubricates the fat يزلق الليثويم الشحوم easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered