Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 29 '07 deu>eng eine besonders enge persönliche Beziehung The nuts and bolts of a good working relationship pro closed ok
- Mar 27 '06 deu>eng Hartglanzwachs polish or wax pro just_closed no
- Mar 26 '06 deu>eng Auspuffschutzlack-Spray exhaust protection spray pro closed ok
4 Oct 14 '05 deu>eng in der guten Stube nicht verstecken the result is equipment you'll want to display rather than disguise pro closed no
- Jul 21 '05 deu>eng Zähladresse typo for Zieladresse? (target address) pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered