Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jul 19 '11 eng>ara makes the case anew يعيد طرح قناعته بفكرة أن ... الخ pro closed ok
4 Jul 14 '11 eng>ara corporate media المؤسسات الاعلامية الخاصة pro closed no
4 Jul 14 '11 eng>ara networked young adults الشباب الناشط عبر الانترنت pro closed no
4 Feb 26 '09 eng>ara three months of Saturdays سيمكنك أن تعيش ثلاثة أشهر مما ستجنيه من وراء ذلك pro closed no
4 Dec 25 '08 eng>ara enigmatic arch- rival خصمه اللدود الغامض pro closed ok
4 Mar 25 '08 ara>eng بناء خلفيات التفكير shaping patterns of thinking/ thought pro closed ok
- Oct 29 '04 eng>deu small copy story Kleinformat/ Kleinausgabe pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered