Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 7 '09 pol>eng Mistrzostwa Polski Wyższych Szkół Niepublicznych Polish National Championships for Private Colleges pro closed ok
- Mar 15 '08 pol>eng wychowanek, podopieczny child pro closed no
1 Mar 13 '08 pol>eng pracownicze i niepracownicze formy zatrudnienia employment under employment contracts and other employment agreements pro closed no
4 Mar 2 '08 pol>eng powszechnie obowiązująca aktywność generally required activity pro closed no
4 Feb 17 '08 pol>eng wśród składników którego innowacyjność występuje jako zasób among whose constituent parts innovation figures as an asset pro closed no
- Feb 16 '08 pol>eng sprawcza rola the proactive role pro closed ok
- May 6 '07 pol>eng pogadanka set / lead-in pro closed no
3 Mar 25 '07 pol>eng wchodzić w interakcję poniżej pro closed no
- Mar 15 '07 pol>eng Katedra Badań nad Przyszłością Europy The Department of Research into the Future of Europe pro open no
- Feb 5 '07 pol>eng subkultury oparte na zjawisku przemocy subcultures based on violence pro closed no
- Feb 3 '07 pol>eng udostepniac zbiory bibliotecze issuing library resources pro closed no
- Feb 1 '07 pol>eng Ustrój państwowy i samorządowy Polski National and Local Government in Poland pro closed ok
- Jul 10 '06 pol>eng ponadpartyjny cross-party agreement pro closed ok
- Jun 19 '06 pol>eng lingwodydaktyka language teaching pro closed no
- May 23 '06 eng>pol glasses rap opowiadanie o okularach pro closed no
4 May 24 '06 eng>pol VP Vice President pro closed no
- May 21 '06 pol>eng placówka opiekuńczo-wychowawcza childcare centre pro closed no
- May 14 '06 deu>eng Seeland Mr. Seeland pro closed ok
- May 12 '06 pol>eng na podbudowie szkoły podstawowej 'having attended a primary education course for a period of five years pro closed ok
4 May 11 '06 pol>eng opinia o uczniu student's report / student report pro closed no
- May 5 '06 pol>eng kochająca inaczej gay pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered