Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Feb 20 '18 eng>... Lyophilizers liofilizatori pro closed ok
- Oct 15 '13 eng>.cr toss out the baby with the bathwater više štete nego koristi pro just_closed no
4 May 26 '11 eng>.cr Ibrahim Index of African Governance Ibrahim indeks afričke uprave pro closed ok
4 May 26 '11 eng>.cr the Palestinian Territory palestinski teritorij, teritorij Palestine pro closed ok
- Feb 8 '11 eng>.cr government practitioner dužnosnik vlade pro closed ok
4 Feb 22 '10 eng>.cr planning and policy right od - do pro closed ok
4 Oct 31 '09 .cr>eng Odbor za obnovu i razvoj Development and Reconstruction Committee pro closed ok
4 Feb 22 '09 .cr>eng primici od nesamostalnog rada income from paid employment pro closed ok
4 Feb 22 '09 .cr>eng obvezni doprinosi iz plaće contributions pro closed ok
- Feb 22 '09 .cr>eng osobni odbici tax allowances pro closed ok
4 Feb 22 '09 .cr>eng prirez local income tax pro closed no
4 Feb 22 '09 .cr>eng porezne olakšice tax relief pro closed no
4 Feb 2 '09 .cr>eng područja od posebne državne skrbi Areas of Special State Concern pro closed ok
4 Oct 24 '03 scr>eng compassionate conservativism "samilosni konzervativizam" pro closed ok
- Mar 28 '03 eng>scr letter of intent pismo namjere pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered