Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 1 '11 eng>ita harked back le cui radici affondano nei secoli easy closed ok
- Nov 29 '11 eng>ita popular fixture una (vera e propria) istituzione molto popolare/apprezzata easy just_closed no
3 Mar 27 '09 eng>ita self-righteous santimonioso/farisaico easy closed no
- Jun 6 '08 eng>fra shifted shyly voltigeait timidement easy closed no
- Nov 30 '01 ita>eng note d'autore concerto's notation / Maestro's notation easy closed ok
4 Nov 28 '01 eng>ita The statesman Cicero expressed envy of the playwright\'s witty command of Latin Cicerone, lo statista, espresse invidia per l'arguta padronanza easy closed no
- Nov 19 '01 fra>eng amicalement to my friend Heinz Holinger, with love easy closed ok
4 Nov 6 '01 eng>ita Once past the five-bayed Fifth Avenue facade of hand-carved limestone sulla Quinta Avenue, una volta oltrepassata la facciata in pietra scolpita con le sue easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered