Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Sep 19 fra>eng Casier judiciaire / Bulle Police/Criminal Record or Certificate of Non-Conviction / Bulletin No. 3 pro closed ok
- Sep 11 fra>eng "coefficients" "coefficients" pro closed no
- Sep 11 fra>eng direction des examens et concours Department of Education and Competitive Examinations pro open no
- Mar 25 '23 fra>eng Lycée polyvalent Comprehensive High School pro closed ok
- Jul 21 '22 fra>eng Seule la fortune de la Fondation répond des obligations de celle-ci The liabilities of the Foundation are limited solely to its assets. pro closed ok
- Mar 17 '22 fra>eng acte d'individualité Certificate of Individuality pro closed ok
- Nov 18 '21 fra>eng officier de l'état civil / agent de l'état civil Civil Status Registrar / Civil Status Secretary pro closed ok
- Apr 24 '21 fra>eng ce comité prendrait ses décisions à 75% des voix this committee would make its decisions with 75% of the votes cast pro closed ok
4 Aug 11 '19 fra>eng S/C C/O pro closed no
4 May 20 '19 fra>eng Titulaire du diplôme de Licence de Pharmacien Holder of a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree / Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy pro closed ok
- May 1 '18 fra>eng prêt d’un montant de X en principal loan amounting to X in principal pro closed no
4 Nov 16 '17 fra>eng Teneur globulaire hemoglobin content pro closed ok
- Sep 28 '17 fra>eng modalité de fixation du forfait de rémunération terms for determining the compensation package pro open no
- Sep 13 '17 fra>eng en position poussée set to the "Grip" position pro open no
- Sep 13 '17 fra>eng en position tirée set to the "Drag" position pro open no
- Apr 24 '17 fra>eng Master Arts, Lettres, Langues, mention MEEF (Métiers de l’Enseignement, de l’Edu Master Arts in Modern Lett.& Lges, spec. in MEEF (Teaching, Education & Training Careers) pro closed no
4 Apr 22 '16 fra>eng intitulé de l’AMM Name/Title of Marketing Authorization pro closed ok
- Apr 10 '16 fra>eng Cahier des charges et spécifications techniques contract documents and technical specifications pro closed ok
4 Mar 17 '16 fra>eng Voir condamner (We pray the court) to order X Company to pay... pro closed ok
4 Mar 7 '16 fra>eng encours outstanding amount/debt pro closed ok
- Jan 16 '16 fra>eng rien n'est jamais gagné à l'avance It's not over till it's over pro closed no
- Dec 10 '15 fra>eng ouverture du concours launching the competitive entrance examination pro closed no
- Jul 16 '15 fra>eng Ordre à tout prix order at any price pro closed no
- Sep 25 '14 fra>eng déboutant pour le surplus dismissing/rejecting any claim for the surplus pro closed ok
3 Aug 29 '14 fra>eng diamètres maximaux de 72 pour 60 pour 51mm. maximum diameters of 72 by 60 by 51mm pro closed no
- Jun 6 '14 fra>eng coulée en force de jugée becoming final and binding/has the force of res judicata/has the authority of a final judgment pro open no
4 Feb 6 '14 fra>eng PREL/SALAIRE deduction from salary/deduction at source/deduction from wages/salary deduction pro closed no
- Oct 2 '13 fra>eng gestionnaire comptable Accounting Manager pro closed ok
4 Jul 14 '13 fra>eng revente en l’état resale as is / resale without further processing pro closed no
- May 30 '13 fra>eng TENS NSTC pro closed ok
- May 27 '13 fra>eng CAF FAC pro closed ok
- May 19 '13 fra>eng cession de fusion of merger, divestiture pro closed no
- May 9 '13 fra>eng assorti de remboursements accompanied by / together with repayments pro open no
- Oct 5 '11 fra>eng décide decides or rules as follows: pro open no
- Sep 26 '11 fra>eng certificat de prise de service Certificate of Assumption of Duties pro closed ok
4 Mar 27 '11 fra>eng procès-verbal de perquisition a search report pro closed no
- Mar 27 '11 fra>eng tenant à prevailing pro closed ok
- Mar 26 '11 fra>eng garantir les assurances warrant/guarantee their safety pro closed ok
- Mar 26 '11 fra>eng grosse de l'arrêt Original Copy of Decision pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered