Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jul 16 '10 deu>eng Ganzkörperentzündung SIRS pro closed ok
- Nov 10 '09 deu>eng Gebissschienen mandibular advancement splints pro closed no
- Nov 4 '09 deu>eng Aus die Laus! Say good-bye to lice! pro closed ok
3 Sep 30 '09 eng>deu band air Pflaster pro closed ok
- Apr 22 '09 deu>eng Manip.Geb. administrative charges or processing fee pro closed ok
- Apr 8 '09 deu>eng Soft-Packliege soft pack float/float on the softpack floatation table pro closed ok
- Apr 4 '09 eng>deu clinical fellow klinische Forschungstaetigkeit im Anschluss an das Medizinstudium pro closed no
- Mar 14 '09 deu>eng spürbare Erholung am Tun What matters is that it gives you energy, relaxes you and that you have fun while doing it pro just_closed no
- Mar 4 '09 deu>eng mit anderen evolutionsunnützen Lebewesen creatures without evolutionary purpose pro just_closed no
- Feb 28 '09 deu>eng Murmelmassage footbath with marbles pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered