Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 4 '18 fra>eng qui font virer au rouge le papier tournesol, which cause litmus paper to turn red easy closed no
4 Jul 4 '18 fra>eng eaux essentielles de bourrache essential oils of borage easy closed no
4 Mar 29 '18 ita>eng prodotti latteo-caseari dairy products easy closed ok
4 Sep 23 '17 ita>eng Regime anemologico wind regime easy closed ok
4 Sep 22 '17 ita>eng fondali strascicabili trawlable bottom easy closed ok
4 Sep 3 '14 fra>eng présence in the presence of easy closed no
4 Jan 3 '12 eng>ita Psychology Psicologia easy closed ok
4 Oct 7 '10 eng>ita Citrate salt citrato easy closed ok
1 Mar 10 '10 eng>ita hydrocyanic acid acido cianidrico easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered