This powwow has already been held!

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October 2, 2010, 2:00 pm
United KingdomCardiffIn personEnglish
Hi all,

The next Cardiff get-together will be on Saturday 2nd October from 1pm in The Yard, in the Brewery Quarter off St Mary St. I won't book a table but if anyone wants to order something whilst we're there (a few of us usually do) we can do that.
Hope to see as many new and familiar faces there as can make it. My mobile number is 07584 350288 if anyone needs it.

Bye for now,


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Interested members (6) / Confirmed: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Victoria Porter-Burns  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Alexandra Chapman   I'll be there!  y
Jon Reynolds   I'm away this time, sorry :-( Hopefully see you all in November  n
Trinidad Clares Flores   Hi Vicky, thanks for organising this. I completely forgot! See you there  y
Dan Bradley   October will be my 1st birthday as a freelancer! Hope to see you all there.   y
Cath Rendle   ...  

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