Problem joining segments
Thread poster: Gary Hess
Gary Hess
Gary Hess  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:16
German to English
+ ...
May 11, 2009

I've been testing MemoQ and have version 3.5.16. So far I am enjoying the software.

One problem: I can't seem to join or split segments. Those two functions are always blanked out in the Edit menu.

Anyone else having a similar problem?

Gergely Vandor
Gergely Vandor
Local time: 15:16
English to Hungarian
this is true with some bilingual formats May 11, 2009

...due to technical restrictions. What type of document are you translating? If you work with Star Transit projects for example, joining and splitting is disabled.

Best regards,

István Lengyel
István Lengyel
Local time: 15:16
English to Hungarian
+ ...
depends on the file format May 11, 2009

This depends on the file format and whether you are working in a server environment with simultaneous proofreading. I suspect you're working on a TTX file. As the segmentation there is done by Trados, MemoQ does not dare to change it (to ensure compatibility). For most other formats, joining and splitting segments will work.

Gary Hess
Gary Hess  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:16
German to English
+ ...
transit project May 12, 2009

Thanks! It's a Transit project, so that would explain what is happening.

Vitor Souza
Vitor Souza
English to Portuguese
Filter vs. joining/splitting May 31, 2009


I really adore the Filter function. However, when I activate it, I am not able to join and split segments. This is for plain Word files, not for Transit as above. So when I find segments that should be joined/split, I need to reset the filter, do the joining/splitting and set up the filter again.

Is this a bug or a feature?

Silvia Ortega Lorenzo
Mikhail Popov
Mikhail Popov
Local time: 15:16
English to Russian
+ ...
Probably a feature Jun 11, 2009

Vitor, most probably its a feature. I also tried to do this and failed.

I think it was intentionally made, because when filter is activated, normal sequence of segments is changed and you see just segments 1, 3 and 5 (for example). And joining works only with neighbor segments. So you can't join segment 1 and 2 if your segment 2 is hidden.

Why splitting isn't working - no idea, may be the same reason.

Gergely Vandor
Gergely Vandor
Local time: 15:16
English to Hungarian
yes, it is a feature Jun 12, 2009

Hello All,

Allowing split and join in filtered segment lists could cause serious problems, so we need to prevent it.


Local time: 15:16
Nasty buggy program Nov 3, 2011

I vote for "BUG" and only one of many in this annoying program. I'm working on a document imported from a memoq bilingual file and can't join segments. Incredibly irritating and simply not good enough for a program that costs this much.

Andy Lemminger
Andy Lemminger  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:16
Member (2002)
English to German
Views Jan 27, 2015

Joining/splitting also doesn't work if you created a view - even if it's not active.

Lisa Schuchardt
Abu Bekr Al-Agib
Abu Bekr Al-Agib  Identity Verified
Saudi Arabia
Local time: 16:16
Member (2022)
English to Arabic
+ ...
Thanks Apr 22, 2018

Andy Lemminger wrote:

Joining/splitting also doesn't work if you created a view - even if it's not active.

Thanks Lemminger. This answer saved my neck. I deleted the view and Join/Split Option immediately activated.
Thanks once again.

Ruy Burgos Lovece
Local time: 16:16
English to Russian
+ ...
Deleting view Aug 22, 2021

Abu Bekr Al-Agib wrote:

Andy Lemminger wrote:

Joining/splitting also doesn't work if you created a view - even if it's not active.

Thanks Lemminger. This answer saved my neck. I deleted the view and Join/Split Option immediately activated.
Thanks once again.

Good afternoon, I have the same problem. Tell me how to remove the view?

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 16:16
English to Russian
Views tab next to Documents tab Aug 22, 2021

schwarznn wrote:
how to remove the view?
In Translations view, Click the Views tab, right click your view and select Remove.


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Problem joining segments

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