Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:


English translation:

proof of release of liability [UK]/Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability [US]

Added to glossary by Barend van Zadelhoff
Mar 25, 2017 09:08
7 yrs ago
9 viewers *
Dutch term


Non-PRO Dutch to English Law/Patents Automotive / Cars & Trucks vehicle purchase procedures
I've looked at the existing entries but I'm not sure they fit here. This is part of a document regarding the purchase of vehicles:

Indien u voor de ophaaldag reeds betaald en vervolgens alvast de tenaamstellingscodes opvraagt, kunt u het voertuig alvast te naam stellen vóórdat u het voertuig komt halen. U hoeft dan alleen de vrijwaring af te geven en kunt het voertuig meteen meenemen.

In this context, does vrijwaring mean proof of registration transfer?

(And is it the same as "vrijwaringsbewijs", which Wikipedia describes as "een document dat als bewijs dient om aan te tonen dat het kenteken van een verkocht voertuig niet meer op naam staat van de verkoper"?)
Change log

Mar 28, 2017 20:18: Barend van Zadelhoff changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/2121311">Ruth Tanner's</a> old entry - "vrijwaring"" to ""proof of release of liability [UK]/Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability [US]""


Kitty Brussaard Mar 28, 2017:
@Ruth You're welcome. And I agree, there's indeed no UK document title that would be a precise fit and there are also clear differences between both countries in terms of the procedure that has to be followed.
Ruth Tanner (asker) Mar 28, 2017:
proof of release of liability Thanks very much, Barend and Kitty, for your informative replies. They help to confirm the impression I got from my own searching that there may be no UK document title that would be a precise fit.

I think that in the context, the main thing the reader needs to know is that there must be evidence of transfer or release of liability. So I agree with Barend that it's probably fine just to say proof of release of liability here.

I do like the Californian term, though - it seems just right! :-) Oh well.
Barend van Zadelhoff Mar 27, 2017:
Also see difference between RK and owner:
Barend van Zadelhoff Mar 27, 2017:
Hello Ruth In the UK things need to be arranged through the DVLA.

You get a letter confirming you're no longer the RK (registered keeper)

If you have this letter you no longer need to pay someone else's tickets. :-), since you can prove you're not/no longer the RK.

Write to DVLA to ask for proof that you’re not the registered keeper anymore
Ruth Tanner (asker) Mar 27, 2017:
UK terminology? I think Barend's well-supported suggestion is an accurate translation here; the only possible issue is that it seems to be a Californian term, and I am translating into UK English.

Does anyone know whether there is an equivalent form in Britain? (I live in Australia, and so far my searches haven't turned up the name of any British form for registration transfer that would be as accurate as this US translation.)
Ruth Tanner (asker) Mar 27, 2017:
Thanks... to you all for the help and information.
Barend van Zadelhoff Mar 26, 2017:
@Kitty We can safely say, a gift horse with a great set of teeth.

Kitty Brussaard Mar 26, 2017:
@Barend PS. Ik zou zeggen: maak van jouw voorstel een officieel antwoord, zodat deze volledige versie eventueel aan de glossary kan worden toegevoegd.
Kitty Brussaard Mar 25, 2017:
Mee eens Zie bijv. ook de eerste link bij het destijds door Chris Hopley ingediende antwoord.
Barend van Zadelhoff Mar 25, 2017:
Ja, ik controleerde op Google met gebruik van die Kudoz ref van jou:

"Release of Liability" "car"

Ik zou de voorkeur geven aan de volledige naam van het document:

Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability

en niet alleen 'notice of Release of Liability'

Kitty Brussaard Mar 25, 2017:
Re: Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability Inderdaad een prima optie (zoals ook voorgesteld en min of meer gekozen bij de eerdere KudoZ-vraag).
Barend van Zadelhoff Mar 25, 2017:
Many hits: Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (NRL)
Kitty Brussaard Mar 25, 2017:
Agree with Jack. For possible translations of 'vrijwaringsbewijs' see
Jack Vanderstel (X) Mar 25, 2017:
the document Vrijwaring is an informal reference to vrijwaringsbewijs in this context because the text refers to the actual document: "de vrijwaring af te geven."

Proposed translations

1 day 5 hrs
Dutch term (edited): vrijwaring(sbewijs)

Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (NRL)

Collective agreement on this solution.

Must say Kitty's link was instrumental in finding the correct solution.

See reference comment for background info.

Note added at 1 day17 hrs (2017-03-27 02:37:22 GMT)

When you sell your vehicle privately you must let us know, and tell us the exact date you sold it, by filling in section 6 on the V5C. Both you and the buyer must sign the joint declaration. You must also fill in the V5C/2 and give it to the buyer. It is important to remember that you are liable for the vehicle until you have told us that you are no longer the registered keeper

Once we know about the changes, you should receive an acknowledgement letter to confirm that you are no longer liable for the vehicle. If you do not receive the letter within 4 weeks, please phone 0300 790 6802. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have access to a textphone, phone 0300 123 1279. (This number will not respond to ordinary phones.)

Note added at 1 day17 hrs (2017-03-27 02:46:33 GMT)

You could summarize this as:

letter confirming release of liability

Mostly you find:

letter confirming you are no longer the registered keeper
letter confirming your not being the re

Note added at 2 days51 mins (2017-03-27 09:59:16 GMT)

Or just: the/your confirmation/proof of release of liability

I mean, if there is no official name for the UK, call a spade a spade.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kitty Brussaard
1 hr
Thank you, Kitty.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Barend!"

Reference comments

3 hrs

Als u uw voertuig verkoopt, moet u er voor zorgen dat de koper het voertuig op zijn naam overschrijft. Gebeurt dat niet, dan blijft u verantwoordelijk voor de verplichtingen die horen bij het op naam hebben van een voertuig. Als u een bekeuring krijgt, moet u deze betalen. [this is why it is called 'vrijwaring'] Hier kunt u lezen wat u moet doen om dit te voorkomen.

U kunt het voertuig verkopen aan een particulier of rechtspersoon (B.V., N.V., V.O.F.) of aan een RDW erkend bedrijf.

Voertuig verkopen aan een particulier of rechtspersoon
1.U vraagt de koper om de overschrijving te regelen bij een kentekenloket of RDW-balie. U kunt eventueel zelf mee gaan, maar dat hoeft niet.
2.U geeft de koper de documenten die hij nodig heeft om het voertuig op zijn naam te laten zetten (zie onder ‘documenten die u aan de koper moet geven om het voertuig op naam te zetten').
3.De koper krijgt van de medewerker een bewijs dat het voertuig niet meer op uw naam staat. Dit bewijs heet een vrijwaringsbewijs.
4.U vraagt de koper om het vrijwaringsbewijs. Hiermee kunt u aantonen dat het voertuig niet meer van u is.
5.Als u dit bewijs heeft gekregen, geeft u de koper:
als u in het bezit bent van het papieren kentekenbewijs:
- het Voertuigbewijs, het APK-keuringsrapport en het voertuig
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Kitty Brussaard
9 mins
Thank you, Kitty.
agree Tina Vonhof (X)
2 hrs
Thank you, Tina.
agree Jack Vanderstel (X)
19 hrs
Thank you, Jack.
Something went wrong...
1 day 23 hrs

UK-specific refs

Notifying the DVLA of a Private Sale

When you sell a car to a new owner, the DVLA need to be informed that you are no longer the registered owner of the vehicle. If this is not done, you can still be liable for the vehicle, even though you are no longer the owner. The DVLA will expect to be informed as soon as the vehicle passes between owners.

For a two-part V5C registration document, you need to fill in the 'notification of sale or transfer' section and send it to the DVLA. The other half of the document should be given to the buyer on purchase of the vehicle. The buyer is then responsible for informing the DVLA of the new ownership.

For the three-part V5C registration document, you need to fill in the top half (the blue part) of the three-part V5 registration declaration with the details of the new owner. You will need to sign the document (as will the person to whom you are selling the vehicle). Once this is done, you need to send it to the DVLA. Give the green section to the new owner so that he or she can fill it in themselves.

For the V5C registration certificate, you need to fill in section 6 (the 'new keeper or new name/ new address details' section), and both you and the new owner need to sign the declaration in section 8. The green section should be given to the buyer. As with the V5 registration declaration document, it is your responsibility to send this to the DVLA.

Once the DVLA have been notified of the change in ownership, they should send you a letter within around a month to confirm that you are no longer liable for the vehicle.
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