Jul 24, 2005 03:12
19 yrs ago
English term


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Proposed translations (Chinese)
5 +3 TRY
3 +2 verb = 爱; noun = 爱心;爱

Proposed translations

21 mins


爱, pronounce the same way as "I".
Peer comment(s):

agree Haiyang Ai (X) : fourth tone
38 mins
agree Chinoise
1 hr
agree Edward LIU
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr

verb = 爱; noun = 爱心;爱

Some Bible verses:

伟大的历史人格 - [ Translate this page ]
圣经》上的耶稣说:“Love your enemies and pray for them that persecute you.
(爱你们的仇敌.,为那些压迫你的人祈祷。 ... 我以为整本《圣经》里,最彻底的一句话
就是:“Thou sholt love thy neighbour as thyself.”(爱人如己。 ...
www.epochtimes.com/gb/5/6/29/n969782.htm - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

圣经基本事实:一。神-我们在天上的父_Basic_Bible_Fact:_God ... - [ Translate this page ]
Basic Bible Facts. 第一课:[神:我们在天上的父]. Lesson One: God—Our Father
in Heaven ... 神就是爱God is Love:. 1。“因为神就是爱” 约翰一书4:8 1 John. 2。
神爱世人,差遣耶稣到世上来为万人(你和我)死罗马书5:6-8 Romans ...
www.smzg.org/Short_Edward/Basic_Bible_Facts/ 001_God_Our_Father_in_Heaven.htm - 20k - Cached - Similar pages
Peer comment(s):

agree Chinoise
38 mins
agree Edward LIU
3 hrs
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